Page 75 of Vows and Vendettas

Just as dinner is about to be served, Mikhail leans over my shoulder. “The Triad attacked them. We found the car. They are both gone.”

Slowly, I lean to my brother. “Take over. I have to go.” He doesn’t question me, just nods in response. “I’ll call later.”

I stand and leave the restaurant with no explanation. Grayson will take care of it. He owes me after I rescued his wife and killed the man who was trying to kill her. I get into the back seat of my Range Rover; Dmitri is already in the driver’s seat.

“The head of the Triad is eating at his restaurant.”

“Go there,” I order him. We know the Triad is helping McCall. I will start a war with them if they hurt Sparrow.

As Dmitri shifts into drive, the back door is yanked open. I have my gun up and ready as Bronwyn slides into the back with me.

“They are my daughters. I’ll be there with you. I know Lennon is a bit headstrong, but she wouldn’t have put her sister in danger.”

“She didn’t. She didn’t expect the guy helping her to have a gun on him. There was a struggle, and she shot him with it when he tried to assault her and cop a feel on Sparrow,” Dmitri offers.

“I’ll kill him,” both of us say, and for once we agree on something other than McCall.

We make our way to the Chinese restaurant that is a Triad front.



I groan as I roll over. My stomach rebels and I want to throw up.

“Hold still,” Lennon softly whispers. I feel her moving around me, and I keep my eyes closed in an attempt to keep the contents of my stomach down. “Here.” She holds up my head. I open my eyes and see a bowl. I vomit until I’m dry heaving. When I’m finally calm, I push her away from me. “Please don’t,” she begs, and I stare at her.


“I didn’t know Brett was still out there. Daddy didn’t tell me.”

I look around us. The whitewashed brick walls don’t hide the fact that we’re in a cellar or that there is only one entrance. Again, Brett has me locked up like a prisoner. I stand, using the wall to brace myself. I’m not going to wait for someone to find us. I need to get us out of here, but I don’t say that to Lennon. I slip my trench coat off and grab my cell phone and the knife Dmitri got me out of my clutch. I play with the phone for a moment and realize it has no signal. I put it into the pocket of my dress and unsheathe the knife before placing it in the other pocket. It’s cumbersome but it’s still hidden.

“Andrei will find us.”

“Um.” Lennon looks down. “He might not. I left him a note saying you wanted to leave him.”

I swing around to look at her and hold myself back from attacking her. “How could you? I want to be with him.”

“You can’t love him already.”

“I do. I’ve been in love with him for a while.”

“You just met him.” She throws her hands up in the air. “You are being so naive.”

“No, I’m not.” I advance on her. “I met him back in January, but because I was underage, he just kept an eye on me.” I watch as her eyes flair wide then shift to over my shoulder.

“I wondered why he was after you.” Brett chuckles and moves into the room. I look behind him and don’t see anyone with him. I reach into my pocket and hold the knife handle in my fist. He steps up to me, and I know what I’m going to have to do. “You fucked him already, didn’t you? You’re a whore, just like your mother.”

I’m in motion before he even realizes it. I don’t think, I react. I pull the knife from my pocket and slice it across his neck. The cut is not deep enough to kill him right away, but blood spurts in my direction and he screams as he holds his neck. I don’t stop. I push into him and stab at him and slice, just like Dmitri taught me. I have to kill him, I don’t have a choice. He’ll rape and sell us both if I don’t. His arms are flailing around, and he hits me, but I’m possessed. I release my anger and fear on him. I stab and slice as he falls to the ground. He reaches for me as I stand over him. I arc the knife through the air one last time. Red coats my vision as I deliver the final blow. I cough and stumble back, adrenaline pumping through my system. Lennon catches me and holds me up.

“Holy crap, Sparrow, are you okay?” She looks down at me with fear in her eyes.

“We need to go. Come on.” I wipe my hands down my hips to remove some of the blood. I grab her hand and hold my knife out in front of me as I pull her from the room.

As we climb the stairs, I worry we are going to be jumped by someone at any moment. I don’t know if I can fight off anyone else. As it is, I feel weak and dizzy from all the blood coating me. My skin itches and I want to strip out of this dress and take a shower, but I can’t focus on that right now. I need to get us out of here.

The stairs lead to a kitchen of an old house. I stop and hold a finger to my lips to quiet Lennon. I don’t hear anyone. I spot the back door, and we rush for it and out into the open. The cool night air hits me and I calm. I look around us. There’s no one in sight, not even a car.