Page 16 of Forever

Both his parents smiled placatingly. “I’m sure they’re lovely, dear.”

The nausea built all night. I needed to get away from here for just a minute. I set my napkin on the table. “If you’ll excuse me for just a moment, I need to run to the lady’s room.”

Gareth started to stand, but I waved him back. I hurried through the crowded restaurant to the bathrooms in the back. I locked myself in one of the stalls, my breath coming in short, rapid gasps. With closed eyes, I focused on the breathing techniques I’d learned over the years to help quiet my anxiety. It took a little longer than normal, but finally, my breathing was back to normal.

Why did I do this to myself? It was obvious Gareth’s parents didn’t care for me. I should have known this thing between us was too good to last. He was close with his parents, and it was clear how much they loved him. There was no way I was going to let this…thing we may or may not have ruin their relationship. I wasn’t going to come between them. A sense of calm came over me. It was over. It had been amazing while it had lasted. I splashed some water on my face, checked my reflection in the mirror a final time, and headed back to our table.

The three of them were talking. There were genuine smiles on both Gareth’s parents’ faces. They were far more relaxed and animated than they’d been with me. Pasting my own smile on my face, I took my former place at the table.

Gareth reached across and held my hand. “My parents just invited me to the theatre next Saturday to go see a show. Why don’t you come with?”

My gaze flicked in their direction, and I saw the frown on their faces. This was it. Time was up. I ignored the twinge of pain in the vicinity of my heart. “I have to work, but I appreciate the invite. You go and have a great time with your folks. I’m sure they want to catch up with you.”

“You can’t call off one night?”

“Gareth,” his father scolded.

How could he ask me that? “No, I’m sorry, I can’t.”

The rest of the afternoon passed with uncomfortable conversation until, finally, we all said our goodbyes.

“Thank you for lunch, Dr. and Mrs. Brown. It was a pleasure meeting you.” I maintained a polite smile, even while my heart was cracking in my chest.

“It was nice meeting you as well, Olivia.”

Gareth hugged both his parents. “I’ll call you later and we’ll make plans for tomorrow.”

“That sounds lovely dear.” His mother kissed his cheek. “I love you.”

“Love you, too.” He waved and then walked us to his car.

“Can you take me back to the dorm, please?” My fingers ached from the tight grip I had on my bag against my chest. I needed to hurry up and get out of this car before I broke down.

“Is everything okay? I thought we could go back to my place and watch a movie.”

“It’s fine. I just really need to study for that exam.” My head was starting to pound.

Gareth sent me a look, but he changed directions and headed to campus. My foot began tapping a restless beat. He needed to hurry up. Finally, we pulled in front of the dorm.

“Thank you for lunch. I’ll talk to you later.” I jumped out of the car, slamming the door behind me.

“Livvie, wait.” I could hear Gareth behind me. My skin burned where his hand clutched my arm. I stared down at it for a second before I looked up at him. There was confusion written across his face. “What’s going on with you?”

I shook my head, my heart racing in my chest. A panic attack was bubbling just below the surface. I needed to get inside before it exploded out of me. “Nothing. I just need to go study.”

“You keep saying that, but you won’t even look at me. What the fuck is going on?”

I jerked out of his grip, and tried to glare at him. “I told you from the beginning how important my studies and work are to me, yet you want me to call off work to go to some stupid musical with you and your parents. Now, I’m trying to go study for a test, and you won’t let me.”

Gareth’s eyes widened in shock and he backed away, his hands held up in surrender. “Wow, I’m sorry. I thought you liked spending time with me.”

“I do, I mean, I did. But not everything is about you, you know. We don’t all have mommy and daddy’s money to get us by.” I hated the cruel words, but it was the only way I could get him to leave me alone before I broke down.

Hurt and anger flashed in his eyes. “That’s not fair. You know as well as I do that I’ve never wanted to rely on my parents’ money. I’ve worked hard for the things I have.”

I kept my mouth shut.

Gareth huffed out a sound that could have passed for a laugh if not for the tightness around his mouth. He straightened to his full height, pride evident in his posture. “I’m not sure what happened between this morning and now, but clearly something has. If you want to talk, you have my number. Have fun studying.”