Page 15 of Forever

The past weekhad been nothing short of amazing. If I wasn’t working or in class, Gareth and I spent all our time together. I’d barely made it to work on time after our trip to the dinosaur exhibit in Raleigh, but I hadn’t cared. It meant I got to spend more time with him. I glanced at the clock.

Shit. He was going to be here any minute.

I hopped around the room, trying to get my legs into my jeans. Grabbing my Keds, I plopped myself on the bed and tugged them on. My gaze darted around my dorm room searching for my bag. It was half buried under my comforter. Giddy excitement made my heart flutter in my chest. I’d never felt this way before about a guy. It also made me nervous. For someone like me, good things never lasted. They were always taken away when I least expected it.

This thing between Gareth and me wouldn’t last forever, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to enjoy every second until it was over. Pretty sure I had everything I needed, I dashed out the door, nearly running into Jackie on my way out.

“You’re leaving again?”

I blinked at her tone. “Yeah, why?”

Her expression cleared and she shrugged. “Just curious. Not that I care. I’ve been enjoying having the room to myself.”

She turned her back on me and disappeared into our room. That was weird. Had she not wanted me to leave? I had this urge to go back in and talk to her, but Gareth was probably outside by now. I’d make a point to talk to her tomorrow. With an eagerness that should have scared me, I skipped down the stairs and out into the bright Spring sunshine. My eyes latched onto Gareth’s car in the u-shaped driveway of the dorm. He smiled and waved, and my heart skipped a thousand beats. I inhaled a shocked breath, and my feet froze. Was this what love felt like?

His expression turned to one of concern, and I quickly pasted a smile back on my face.

The minute I settled into the seat next to him, he turned to me. “What’s wrong? You had this weird look on your face.”

“Oh, sorry, I’d just had this moment of freak out about my exam in a couple days. It hit me out of nowhere. So, where are we going today?” I tried to force excitement into my tone. Most of our dates were a surprise.

Gareth didn’t answer for a moment. I blinked innocently at his narrow-eyed expression and put on my best smile. His look said he didn’t believe me, but he let it go. “I thought we could have lunch with my parents. They’re in town visiting for the next couple weeks.”

“Whoa, wait, what?” My stomach lurched. Please don’t get sick. “Your…parents? Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

Hurt radiated off him, and he reached across the seat to hold my hand. Like always, an electrical current sparked across my skin at his touch. “I want them to meet you. I’ve already told them how amazing you are. I thought it would be nice for them to get to know you.”

Terror burned inside me. I’d never met anyone’s parents before. And based on my history, I wasn’t good with the whole parent thing. My chest ached. “What if they don’t like me?”

“What’s not to like?”

I focused on Gareth’s face. “I guess I’m just nervous.”

“Don’t be. It’s going to be fine.”

* * *

This was everything but fine.My stomach kept turning over, and I swallowed down the nausea. Dr. and Mrs. Brown had smiled politely during our introduction, but I could see what Gareth either couldn’t or refused to.

“Gareth tells us you’re studying to be a social worker,” Mrs. Brown set down her wine glass.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“That sounds,” she paused like she was scrambling hard for a diplomatic word. “Interesting.”

I smiled as best I could. “I enjoy it.”

There was no sense in elaborating, because her opinion was pretty obvious.

She cleared her throat, trying to make conversation since I was doing a terrible job with it.

“Are you originally from Chapel Hill?”

“Yes ma’am, but I was bounced around a lot between foster homes.”

“I see.”

“Livvie is a fantastic artist. She does these amazing pencil sketches you should see.”