Since we are guests, the locker room assigned to us is technically the girls’, and I can’t say I’m complaining about it. The smell here is drastically better than the sour and musky smell of the mens’.
Once everyone is inside and sitting, Coach addresses the team. “You boys continue to make me proud. Even though this game did not count on paper, it mattered. You put your all into it and that’s what counts the most.”
Camden stands. “Never did I think being a team captain would be something I would want to do or even be good at. Not sure why all you idiots voted for me, but here we are.” We all laugh because before the season started and Camden got voted as team captain, he thought it was a joke. “Being the captain of a team like the one we have makes it easy. You are all great players, and it has been an honor to be your captain, and I hope you will want me to continue this position next season.”
There is no doubt in my mind that he will be chosen again. If this year has shown us anything, it’s that Camden Collins is a born leader and a great one at that. He doesn’t belittle anyone and is great at encouraging us when we need it. Our team last season was great, but losing many of our seniors put the team in a funk, and he was a big part of getting us out of it.
“That’s enough with the feelings. Get changed and let’s get out of their locker room,” Coach announces before walking off. He’s never been one for long, drawn-out pep talks and is more of a straight-to-the-point kind of guy.
The guys start undressing and heading to the showers. I head over to try and get in first so I can get out of here and maybe take Emree out tonight.
After washing off, I head over to where I left my stuff. Levi and Maddox are there, still in their uniforms. Maddox strips down to nothing and rests his hands on his hips. “Ah, nothing better than airing out some sweaty junk.”
“My man, I know the feeling is great, but can you not get your dick so close to my face?” Mateo states from where he is sitting on the bench, with a clear view of Maddox’s package.
Maddox ignores his request. “Take in all that is a well-gifted body. Not sure what I did to be given this wonderful cock, but I’m not complaining and neither are the ladies.”
Camden comes in with a towel around his waist and his hair wet from a shower. “Cover yourself and get in the shower. We already see your dick enough at the house. I don’t want you flaunting your stuff here as well.”
Maddox is notorious for being nude around the house. He has gotten better about it with Blaire and Emree being around, but his room is still a zone we all avoid. Each of us has made the mistake of trying to sneak into his room to use the shower, coming across a naked Maddox in bed.
Maddox struts through the locker room with his towel slung over his shoulder, every bit of him still on display. Levi rolls his eyes and heads toward the showers. We’re practically immune to Maddox’s antics but try to keep him under control as much as possible.
As I start putting my clothes on, a fully dressed Camden takes a seat on the bench beside me. “Wanted to check in on you. How are you doing after the shit that went down with your dad at the banquet?” Camden keeps his voice low. The only ones who know about my family struggles are my roommates and Coach Walters.
Talking about my feelings has never been something I was accustomed to. Growing up in a cold family, we never discussed anything other than trivial topics and achievements in our lives, and even those conversations were rare. Camden grew up with a single mom and younger sister, so he has been more in touch with his feelings than probably any of us. I think that makes him the ideal team captain because he is sympathetic and understanding of what someone is going through.
Shrugging on a pair of jeans, I think about my response to him as I pull on a white T-shirt. “Not much to really think about. He gave me an ultimatum and didn’t like my decision.”
“You think he’ll do anything about it like he says?”
This has been on my mind since last weekend. While I don’t need my dad or his help or money, thanks to my inheritance, he is a powerful, manipulative man. Not sure what he would have planned, but now I feel as if I should be on alert for any kind of moves he wants to make to mess with my life.
“He could be all talk and no bite, but I’ve never been on the receiving end of his wrath, so who’s to tell?”
Camden watches me as I slip on my sneakers. “You think he’d come after Em?”
My body freezes. Messing with my life is one thing, but if he comes near Emree, I’m done, and I won’t be holding back going toe to toe with him.
“He would be making the biggest mistake of his life,” I tell Camden as I sling my bag over my shoulder. “I’m heading out. Going to take Em to dinner. See you guys back at the house.”
As I walk through the locker room, all the guys are joking and laughing with each other. While this team is like a family to me and enjoying a victory with them is something I have always partaken in, being with my girl is more desirable at the moment. Some may call me whipped, but at least I know Camden understands it because I have no doubt he is going to be ditching the guys and grabbing Blaire.
Stepping outside the locker room, I’m hit with the heat of Florida’s April sun. Summer is approaching and so is the end of the semester. We only have one more year at Braxton U before all of us are thrown out into the real world. With my new life changes, I’m not sure what will happen after graduation, but during the summer, I’ll take time to reach out to a few of my dad’s business associates because while I may be removed from the Dugray family, the name alone leaves some doors open for me. I’ve met and made connections with these men and women since my freshman year of high school when I started shadowing my dad in the office during summers. While many of them are assholes like my father, I actually grew fond of a few who slid me their business cards when my dad wasn’t looking.
Searching the parking lot, I look for Blaire’s red sedan. She and Emree drove together, and it worked out well because Camden and I took my car and now he can go with his girl and I can take mine.
The front of the lot is filled with players’ cars since we had to be here early, so I start walking to the back while looking around. Once I’m almost near the end, I see the two of them sitting on Blaire’s hood with a bucket of popcorn between them. The moment Emree sees me, her face lights up and her mouth tips into a smile.
When I reach the car, I drop my bag on the floor and grab Em’s ankle, pulling her to the end of the hood so she is settled between my legs. “Enjoy the game, baby?” I ask against her mouth.
Wrapping her arms around my neck, she grins and I feel the movement against my lips. “I always enjoy watching you play, especially in those tight shorts that show off your bubble butt.”
Leaning back, I arch a brow at her. “Bubble butt?”
Em looks at Blaire and the two giggle like schoolgirls. “We had a little fun with Jules and Piper and ranked which players on your team have the best ass.” Her grip on my neck tightens as she brings my head closer. “You and that nice butt were in the top five.”
She brushes her lips against mine, but I pull away before she can lay a real kiss on me. “Top five? What the fuck, Em?”