Page 106 of Ringer's Freedom

“I’m acting like a fucking child?” I yell. “How about the fact that you are blatantly disrespecting me and my fuckingwife.In front of every goddamned member of this club, Kelan!”

“Watch it, Ringer,” he scowls.

“No. Fuck that, Kelan. You want to act like my big brother? Fine. When you start treating me like I’m a fuckingbrotherto this club, not your fucking baby brother, I will act like you are my president.”

Ghost’s glare normally scares the fuck out of me. But at this point, I am too fucking pissed to let it affect me.

“What the fuck is your problem with me, Kelan? I spent eight goddamned years in prison! Every fucking day I couldn’t wait to get out of that fucking shit hole and be with my brother again!”

“You’re with the club every day, Ringer.”

“You aren’t fucking listening to me, Ghost!” I scoff. “I saidmy brother!You! You fucking pigheaded fuck.”

His brow furrows as he studies my face.

“All I fucking wanted was to get out of prison, come home, and live my fucking life. With Dad, you, the club.”

“And Lilah?” he adds.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Ghost. Lilah and I have been close our entire fucking lives. Is she why I went to prison? Fuck no. Did Lilah hold my hand and make me throw the punch? No. Did she hold me at gunpoint? Get it through your thick-ass skull! No, she didn’t!”

“Why’d you go to the party, Ringer?”

I roll my eyes. “I’ve told you before. Flame and I went to make sure Lilah was okay. When she told me where she was going, there was no way in hell I was letting her go alone.”

“You went to a party and killed the person hosting the fucking party, Ringer.”

“It was a fucking accident!”

“I know that!”

“Then what the fuck is your problem!”

“Do you know where Michael Truden is?”


Ghost leans against the back of his desk and drops his head, crossing his arms over his chest. “Derek’s older brother.”

“Why does that matter?”

“He’s a deputy now.”

My head whips back, and I crack my thumb, which just so happens to bemynervous tell.

“You know how many times I’ve run into him over the last eight years, Ringer?”

My eyes jump to my dad’s, whose expression matches my own confusion. That makes me feel a little better.

I turn back to Ghost and wait for him to continue.

“It’s like he gets off on putting himself in my path, threatening what he’d do to us when you got out and stepped one foot out of line. Over the years, he’s tried catching me at every fucking turn. He’s always fucking there.”

When I look at Reaper, I find his eyes downcast. Did he know about this?

“What the fuck does that have to do with Lilah and why you’re being such a prick about me and her?” I ask, shaking my head in frustration.

“It has nothing to do with Lilah, Ringer.”