Page 107 of Ringer's Freedom

“Well it sure as fuck seems like it. It’s like you were good with me being out, and then the second I came home from Vegas and told you about us, you started acting like you’d rather me be back in fucking prison.”

“Ringer, just leave it alone.”

“No. Tell me why.”

“Lilah is like a little sister to me, Ringer. You are my fucking brother. See how that could go wrong?”

“Enlighten me, Ghost.”

“Think back, eight years ago. You were 23. She was 15.” The way he enunciates her age makes me feel sick.

“I never once touched or thought about her like that back then, if that’s what you’re implying.”

Ghost shakes his head. “What? No.”

Reaper coughs uncomfortably from his spot against the wall.

“That’s not what I mean. Think about the before, Ring. That girlidolizedyou. She was in love with you as a kid.”


“I just don’t want to see either of you getting hurt.”

“Why do you assume one of us is getting hurt?”

“You’ve never been in a relationship before, Ringer. And then five seconds after getting out of prison, you’re married! To Lilah! A brother’s daughter. The club princess. The girl you went to prison over.”

“See, you say you don’t blame Lilah, but then you say some shit like that. Fuck this.” I spin on my heel and slam the door open once again, stomping over to the bar where Trigger and Flame are already nursing some drinks.

“Ghost is a fucking cocksucker.” I throw myself into the stool right next to Trigger.

“What the fuck did he do now?” Flame asks with a laugh.

I glare at him. “He needs to butt out of my fucking business.”

“You’re his little brother. He’s just looking out,” Trigger offers.

“I’m thirty fucking years old, Trig. I’m a big boy, and I don’t need my big brother telling me what I can and can’t do.”

“What the hell is he telling you to do?”

“It’s what he’s telling me not to do. He’s too fucking late anyways,” I grumble under my breath.

I can feel their eyes on me. “Lilah.” I sigh before ordering a drink.

“Ahhhh,” Flame chuckles. “Big brother finally discovered you’re shagging the Princess?”

I growl as his large hand lands on my back, rolling my eyes. “The only person’s opinion I give even the smallest shit about is Reaper, who doesn’t give a fuck.”

“Woah there, son, I never said I don’t give a fuck.” Reaper drops his hands to my shoulder behind me. “Although, I may start caring if you talk about fucking my daughter in front of me.”

I let out a sigh and drop my shoulders with the weight of his hands.

“Don’t let him get to you. He’s only looking out for you. Think about it. It’s a brother’s job to protect their younger brother. He wasn’t able to do that for years, kid. Give him a break.”

I shake my head.

Trigger conveniently has an excuse to head out, and Flame isn’t far behind him. My sour mood probably pushed them out the door.