Page 27 of One Lovely Lie

If there’s anybody that can scare a guy into being friends with someone, it’s Ozymandias.

“No, I just want to crawl in a hole and die,” Avery groans, throwing his hood back over his head and tightening it until we can’t see his face.

“Well, we’ll be here when you come back out,” Magnus says sweetly, squeezing Avery’s shoulder for a brief second.

“You know what’ll make you feel better? Let’s go to a rave!” Ozymandias yells, clapping his hands with a satisfied smile. “That’ll take your mind off it. There’s one in Zurich this weekend. We can hop on a train Friday after classes and be there by the time it starts.”

“Ooo, will there be treats?” Magnus asks, waggling his eyebrows as he claps his hands. “Molly always makes me horny.”

Carter scoffs. “The wind makes you horny.”

“Yes, I’ll find us the good stuff,” Ozymandias confirms, giving Magnus a high-five. “Fuck yeah. Hey, Avery, maybe that’ll make you feel better.”

There’s silence for a moment as we all stare at Avery and then we breathe a sigh of relief when he emerges from his hoodie. “We can try, but everything sucks right now. The universe is out to get me. The stars aren’t aligning. The—”

“Okay, we get it.”

“Ozymandias, you’re such a dick!”


As Carter and Ozymandias argue and Avery retreats into himself, Magnus places his hand on my thigh underneath the table.

“Hey,” he whispers, rubbing up and down my leg, dangerously close to my crotch.

“Mag,” I hiss, slapping his hand away, heat filling my neck. “We can’t do that here.”

“Oh, please. Nobody is paying attention. You want to get out of here?” he whispers in my ear and it’s embarrassing how fast I’m nodding, getting up, and following him to the dorms.

The second we’re behind a closed door, he’s on me. He’s pushing me against a wall, his hands buried in my hair, his hips rolling against mine. I can’t get enough of his taste—peppermint toothpaste and strawberry gum. I run my hands up and down his chest, desperately going at his buttons to touch whatever skin I can. I whimper into his mouth as I slide my hand down his happy trail.

God, he’s so stupidly hot, so ridiculously perfect. Maybe I should have admitted I’m a virgin earlier so we could have been doing this the entire time.

I fall to my knees eagerly, my mouth watering to get another taste of him because it’ll never be enough, but he holds my hands still against his belt buckle.

“What is it?” I ask, a tad bit embarrassed that perhaps I’m being too eager.

He smiles softly at me as if he knows what I’m thinking and helps me back up. “It’s not what you’re thinking. I’d love to fuck your throat right now, but I have something else in mind.”

Something else could be interesting. “What?”

“Have you ever heard of rimming before?”

My heart skips a beat. I’m a healthy, gay eighteen-year-old, of course I’ve heard of rimming. I just never imagined that would be something he’d want to do with me. I also kind of just figured it was something that porn stars or OnlyFans performers did for the views.

“Um, isn’t it going to be dirty?” I ask hesitantly, my palms sweaty and my neck tense.

“That’s the whole point,” he laughs, pulling me toward him by my hips. “You don’t like it dirty?”

“No, I mean with stuff…” I stare blankly at him and his overtly amused face. “Come on. Please, don’t make me say it.”

“Relax. I’m just teasing you,” he laughs again, smoothing down the wrinkles on my forehead as I pout. “Go wash up real quick and we’ll get started. Trust me, you’re going to love it. It’s the best.”

I go along with his request while quietly and subtly stewing over the fact that he knows how good rimming is from experience. See, once again, it’s moments like this that break the little delusional bubble I’ve surrounded myself with. I’m not special. This is just an arrangement.

I’m not really sure how onewashes upfor rimming, but I try my best to get all my nooks and crannies as clean as possible. I’m still a little bit nervous when I leave the bathroom. Those nerves settle a bit when I see Magnus lying on my bed, his shirt already off, and his pants folded in a neat pile by the bed.

My best friend is hot as fuck, and now I suddenly can’t wait for him to get his hot-as-fuck tongue in my ass.