“So, what do we do now?” I ask awkwardly, wringing my hands as I near him.
“First off, you’re wearing far too many clothes,” he says with a wolfish grin, gesturing for me to come closer. “Let me help you with that.”
I suck in a breath when he starts helping me with my shirt. He takes his sweet time, exploring my chest and my stomach as he goes excruciatingly slow, button by button. He leaves little kisses along my skin as his hands travel down to my belt, and I giggle when he bites at my hip as he pulls my pants down. He sends me a smile that some may interpret as lovesick, but I know better. Magnus just likes making me squirm in all the best ways. He’s always said he leaves his conquests with the maximum pleasure—
Stop thinking about his other conquests, damn it.
Thankfully, he doesn’t notice that I nod resolutely to myself because thinking about all the other people he’s been with is a boner killer.
Magnus finally gets every article of clothing off and I can’t help but actually squirm. In the week that we’ve been doing this, we haven’t seen each other completely naked yet. I’m comfortable with him looking at my bare chest and my dick, but I suddenly feel so vulnerable letting him see me entirely.
I can understand what was going on in his head when he suggested this whole arrangement. Not the rimming—though I can also guess what he was thinking during that proposal. But he’s been with so many people already that there’s no harm, no risk, in adding one more, right? This is just another normal Tuesday for him.
But for me, I went along with it, not because I believed I needed the practice, but because it was him. And if I’m nervous about exposing myself like this for the first time to my best friend, I can’t even imagine what it would have been like with anybody else. On the other hand, maybe I’m putting so much weight on this moment because I have so much riding on it, emotionally.
He moves me a step back and I bite my lip so hard I taste blood. Once again, there’s that awestruck look in his dark eyes that makes them practically glow. He’s taking too much time just staring at me. I wonder what it is he sees when he looks at me. My traitorous heart wants to believe that this is the moment he finallygets itandsees me.
“See, I knew you’d be hot as fuck naked.”
Yeah, my traitorous heart is disappointed at that.
“Thanks,” I mumble, averting my gaze, hoping that he just thinks it’s the nerves getting to me. “What should I do now?”
“First, you’re going to turn around so I can take a look at that ass,” he says, helping me turn, and I do feel slightly better when I hear his breath hitch behind me. “Damn, Daniel. Where have you been hiding this ass?”
I flush. “I— Ow!” I jump when he gives my ass one good hard slap. I turn and scowl at him despite the little zing of pleasure the contact made. “What was that for?”
“Fuck, your ass is going to look so good riding my cock,” is all he replies, licking his lips like a water-starved man.
God, yes, fuck me.
No, slow down. I’m not ready for that.
“Get on the bed, baby.”
When he says it like that, I comply ridiculously quickly. I set myself on all fours, not really sure if I’m on the right track, but his hum of appreciation lets me know that I chose correctly.
“I wish you could see yourself right now.”
“Um, what do I look like?” I ask nervously, awkwardly adjusting myself on my elbows.
“Like the best thing I’ve ever fucking had.” He laughs and I can hear the smile in his voice.
“Thank you,” I whisper, using all my strength to hold myself up when he reaches forward and parts my cheeks, getting a good, long look at my hole.
It’s only slightly embarrassing.
“You’re shaking,” he states accurately, rubbing his hand up and down my back reassuringly. “Hey, look at me.”
I look over my shoulder and gulp. I know what he sees right now. I know I look like I’m two seconds away from bolting, but that’s not the truth. “I want this,” I tell him honestly.
“I know you do. It’s okay to be nervous,” he explains, cupping my cheek and bringing me up so he can kiss the corner of my mouth. “I’m going to take care of you, okay? All you have to do is stay like this and just enjoy it.”
I nod and drop my head in between my arms, taking a deep and steady breath. I can keep my composure. I can do this. I just have to trust Magnus.
He’ll always take care of me.
It’s the first swipe of his tongue that gets me. The hot, wet line he licks up my crack makes me release a broken moan. I expected him to pace himself, to start off gently, but he seems almost ravenous for me.