“Daniel, you used to be turned on by this.” Her hand swept over her body. She made herself small as she looked down.

She was trying to play me. I had no trouble seeing it. Was she always like this? Always trying to manipulate? Or did I turn her into this?

“I have no one to warm my bed, I’m going through a divorce, my job hardly pays, and I am flat broke. I’ve become used to a certain lifestyle, and all that has been ripped away from me.”

“I’m sure you’ll come out just fine in the divorce—again,” I said flatly.

“Stupid me signed a prenup.”

“So this is what it’s really about? You want money?” I said, understanding her now.

“No! I miss you. I want you back! We were good together for a while, weren’t we?” she sobbed, reaching her hand out to try to touch my leg as I stood looking down at her.

“Mandy, it’s not going to happen. You know we’ve both moved on,” I said.

“We could get it back,” she sniffed.

“No. Mandy, we’re never getting back together. I’m in love with someone else,” I said gently.

“What?!” She shot up and looked at me in disbelief.

“This can’t happen. I have plans. I won’t let some girl from the grocery store take what’s been mine. Is she young? I bet she’s too young for you. Are you banging her?”

She looked like she was going to take a go at scratching my eyes out. I grabbed her wrists. “You should go now. Before you do something you’ll regret.”

She glared at me, grabbed her coat, and stomped out. I forcefully blew out a breath. I hoped that was the end of it, but I had a feeling it wasn’t. Her pride was hurt, but she still wanted my money. She’d gotten half of everything in our divorce and must have blown through it all.

Nicole was seated across from me at the coffee shop. We had the back corner table, which gave us a little privacy. She was inhaling a pumpkin cream cheese muffin.

I was mesmerized by her lovely full mouth, watching her chew. I didn’t realize I was staring.

“What? Do I have cream cheese on my face?”

“Nope. You’re just adorable when you talk with your mouth full.

“You never told me I had to have good table manners,” she complained. “This conversation will take too long, and I have to get to work.” She dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “

Okay, so regarding Cyrus, hear me out. I’ll tell you right now that he looks up to you. He has a man crush on you. Even your nasty behavior the other night probably didn’t dim his worship of you. I believe he wrote that article, with that John Harris guy’s pushing, because he truly wants to see you become mayor. And it was a nice article—an ode to you.”

I tipped my head back and laughed loudly. “The things you come up with.”

“No, really. He didn’t do it to get back at you for being a grouch with a stick up his ass at the bowling tourney. You said it yourself—you apologized, and he was fine with it. His intentions were good here, not malicious. Anyway, I wonder where he got the information since you’re sure Bennett didn’t tell him.”

“He is a reporter, so he could have dug through records. But I have a feeling Mandy told him.”

John Harris suddenly appeared at our table as if he’d heard his name. “Hey there, Dan. Nicole,” he said, nodding his head at me. “I enjoyed reading that article on your military career. I’m even more convinced you’d be just the mayor this town needs.” He pulled up a chair and made himself at home with his coffee.

“Again, no. I am not going to run, John. That’s my final answer.”

John looked taken aback. “Can I ask why?”

“I have several reasons. I don’t want to be a public figure. My privacy is important to me. My time is my time, and I will spend it in a way that works best for me and, in turn, for those close to me and then the people of this town. I have no desire to be a paper-pusher and attend meeting after meeting. I’ve done that, and I’m finished with it. I will continue to serve people in my own way.”

John looked crestfallen but said, “Okay, I get it. Well, I’d better go bug the number two choice before it’s too late.”

He stuck out his hand to shake mine. “And thank you for your service.”

After he left, Nicole searched my face. “Are you okay?”