“I’m good. I think I’ve finally convinced him. Now he can stop bugging me about it.”

She shook her head sadly. “Your fan, Cyrus, is going to be disappointed.”

I chuckled until I saw who was marching toward me.

“So. Is this her?” Mandy said through pursed lips. She had her hands on her hips, and she was tapping her high-heeled foot angrily.

“Yes,” I said. This wasn’t going to be pretty, but I had no idea just how bad it was going to turn out.

“Mandy, right? I believe we’ve met a couple of times now,” Nicole said, appearing relaxed.

“So you think you can take my husband when we’re working on getting back together?”

Nicole looked surprised for half a second but rallied. Good girl for not believing that.

“Mandy,” I growled in warning. She ignored me.

“He’s quite a catch, right? All that money. You’d never have to work again. And he’s got hunky muscles and all that.”

Nicole looked at me with a smirk. “Yes, indeed. I’m totally after his money. Or maybe I really like the hot sex we’ve been having.”

Mandy’s face turned red, and she looked like she was going to erupt. She leaned in. “He’s not relationship material, sweetheart. He’s not in it for the long haul.”

Nicole didn’t blink. “Well, that’s good then, I’m not looking for a relationship, and I’m not here for the long haul,” she replied lightly.

I felt my stomach drop at her words.

“Are you about done? I’d like to finish my coffee in peace,” Nicole added.

Mandy sputtered and glanced around, clearly struggling to find a retort that could take a bite out of Nicole. Mandy stilled suddenly, then looked at Nicole smugly.

“Now I remember why you look familiar. I know where I’ve seen you before. Right here in this very coffee shop. You were talking to your little girlfriend and telling her about how much of a deadbeat the father of your unborn child is.”

Mandy smiled like she’d just won a grand prize. “You’re single and pregnant, and the baby daddy isn’t going to step up to the plate. So you found yourself a rich boyfriend—Daniel—who will take care of your sorry ass. You’re trying to trap him.”

I looked at Mandy in confusion, trying to process it. Surely she was lying.

“You haven’t told him, have you?” Mandy gloated. “You’re going to wait a bit and then tell him the baby is his. You’ll conveniently have the baby ‘early’ and Daniel won’t be the wiser. Good plan, sister.”

I sat there with my mouth hanging open, stunned, and looked at Nicole questioningly. Nicole looked at me, horrified. That was my answer then.

Ignoring Mandy completely, Nicole touched my arm and said, “I’m sorry.” Her voice was so low I barely heard it. She stood up and walked out. And I just sat mutely, trying to ingest it all.

Mandy stood there for another 30 seconds, probably dumbfounded at how well this had played out, before she sat down in Nicole’s vacated seat. She cast a sympathetic look at me, which immediately grated on my nerves.

“No. Leave,” I told her.

“Now darling, don’t shoot the messenger,” she tried to soothe. “I’m so sorry you didn’t know this sooner. She was playing you, and you must be very angry right now. Heck, I’m mad for you.”

“You are unbelievable,” I said, shaking my head at her. “Go. Now.”

“Okay then,” she huffed indignantly. She gathered herself and walked out. I could see her through the window as she walked, and I wanted to wipe that smug smile off her face.

I stomped out after her. We were going to have a talk, and she would get the hell out of my business, out of this town, and back to where she belonged.

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