Page 102 of Grump Daddy's Baby

I’m a little insulted that he’d think I would, but then again, I’m not entirely sure that Kai knows how much I care about him.

In fact, I’d bet everything I have that he doesn’t.

It’s not a huge shocker that he believed that my writing was for something that would hurt him in the end. I spent the whole day researching—cough, online stalking—more headlines about Olivia and his divorce. How long it lasted and how much his name was dragged through the media. Which, in turn, would take a mental toll on him no matter how much he said it didn’t bother him.

Kai’s name was in the headlines as thecheaterfor fourteen months after Olivia accused him of cheating. Not once did he ever mention that it was the other way around. That Olivia was the one who went behind his back with his best friend.

Kai lost endorsement deals, was suspended from a few fights for no good reason other than he needed some time—which I doubted wholeheartedly—and he stayed clammed up for about eight months.

Until he entered in his first fight and beat the absolute crap out of the guy.

That’s when the media began to loosen up on him a bit. However, he received a lot of backlash still. Olivia got away scot-free and was even praised when she “moved on” from Kai with the best friend when they decided to go public.

Kai never gave any interviews about his divorce.

And Olivia only thrived under the attention. Her consulting business became sought after and Kai was still dubbed and forever named a cheater where the internet will always stamp him as such.

It’ll never disappear.

“You don’t give yourself enough credit,” I say simply, sitting in my makeshift bedroom at my best friend’s. “How could I ever forget about Kai Wolfe?”

“I dunno, you tell me, sweetheart. I must’ve not have fucked you good enough, since you’re not home yet.”

This guy…

“What about everything else?”

“I think that makes you remember things, doesn’t it?”

“Not everything. Your charming personality is another.” Kai scoffs on the other line, and I smile. “I mean, the first night we met you practically swept me off my feet with those first lines.”

“I hate to say it like this, but I was desperate.”

“And I happen to be a sucker for helping someone out.”

“I think you went above and beyond.”

I did, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

“How are the girls?” I ask, picking nervously at my comforter. I’ve been thinking about them nonstop and what they must be thinking about me right now. I never got to say goodbye, and I just disappeared without a trace.

“Why don’t you come over and find out for yourself?”

I’d love to punch him in the throat, but Kai has every right to say what he is. I dipped out and expected what?

“You can’t just tell me?” I press. “You want to torture me?”

“It only serves you right, don’t you think? I’m an asshole and you just leave.”

I silently sigh because I know that I have to take my punishment like an adult. “Alright, fine. I deserve it.”

“You also deserve a spanking, but we’ll work on that.”

“And you deserve a throat punch.”

“Can you throw a punch?”

I smirk. “Wanna find out?”