Page 101 of Grump Daddy's Baby

“I can skip it,” I admit. “But I don’t think I’ll write any more about us.”

At that, Kai frowns. “Why?”

Because I’d rather just tell you.

“I haven’t been in a writing mood lately.”

He moves from the door but keeps a safe distance between us. “Is it therapeutic or something?”

“Just natural.”

“Then you should do it.”

“It doesn’t hold the same appeal.”

Kai glowers. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Don’t start getting all upset about it.”

“You not wanting to think or talk about us anymore is making me upset.”

I cock my head to the side. “Who said anything about that?”

Kai bristles, averting his gaze. “Let’s go get you scheduled for your other appointment and request that new doctor.”

I’d argue more about it, but Kai is over it.

Besides, it’s not anything he needs to worry about.

He follows me to the receptionist desk, where he orders a new female doctor for me moving forward, then schedules the appointment.

Then he plucks a cherry sucker out of the bowl and hands it over to me—for a job well done with the visit, I guess?

When we get to the parking lot, Kai walks me to my Jeep, mumbling something under his breath about making it disappear while opening up my driver’s side door.

And this part feels weird.

Driving away from him and not going to the same place. My stomach begins to drop a bit because this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. We’re meant to be together, going home and eating. Sleeping in the same bed and Kai listening to me speak. But I decided not to force the fight to a resolution and here we are.

“Call me later?”

I glance up at Kai, looking discomposed over the whole ordeal as much as I’m feeling it. “Yeah. I’ll call you tonight.”

He leans in and kisses the top of my head before gesturing for me to get inside so I can go take my nap.

Hesitantly, I get in with a small wave, but it’s the worst drive of my life.

I need to get back home.




My brows knit at Kai’s greeting. “I said I was going to, didn’t I?”

“You did,” he deadpans, allowing a few heavy seconds to go by before adding on, “I just thought you’d forget.”