Page 79 of Grump Daddy's Baby

But a baby was the furthest thing from his mind, and mine as well. I’m not saying I wanted to date someone for a decade, marry them, and then decide to have children, but I’m not really sure I wanted them in the first place. I’ve never been the girl who picked out baby names or decided how many kids I wanted to have. I never was one who had a Pinterest board with ideas for children or even a wedding.

I’m pretty plain.

I like being spontaneous and I don’t need elaborate things to make me happy. I’m pretty low-key for the most part and my favorite holiday is my birthday.

Which might be a little conceded, but it’s one day completely dedicated to me and no one else.

Someone like that shouldn’thavea baby. I don’t even have my whole life together and now I want to bring another one in?

With a man who had a really bad divorce and decided that he’d never get married again?

I blow out a long and unsteady exhale as I watch Bria and Lark toss Fruit Loops in each other’s bowls. Lark only wants green and purple in hers and Bria has an extreme hatred for orange, so her sister has decided to take the con on that for her.

We all know they pretty much taste the same and the girls could’ve already eaten the bowl laid out in front of them already, but I’m too in my head to point that out.

Plus, they’re leaving me alone.

Another reason why I shouldn’t be allowed to conceive children is because what kind of mother wants to be rid of her kids just to have some time to herself?

Probably all of them, Molly. What are you saying right now?

The sliding door to the backyard opens and I don’t even need to look up to know who it is, but I do anyway.

Kai is a magnet that I’m drawn to each second of every day. My brain and body can’t get enough of him. It’s like I need him to function and get my daily dose of lust or something.

It’s ridiculous.

Another reason why I don’t need to be having a child is because I’m not independent enough tonoteye-fuck the same man over and over again.

“There are my beautiful girls,” Kai beams as he strides toward the dining room table, wiping his thick fingers clean with a white rag. Those blue eyes latch onto me and I swear I drop more eggs.Goddamn it.“Are we having another Fruit Loop exchange?”

“I don’t like orange ones anymore,” Bria announces. “They’re gross.”

Kai quirks a brow. “They all taste the same.”

“No, they don’t!” both Bria and Lark bellow out at the same time, sending their father scowls. I’ve already had this conversation yesterday and received the same feedback.

Should’ve warned him but, hey, sometimes you just gotta experience these things for yourself.

“Right,” Kai deadpans, smart enough not to argue and further the argument about sugary cereal. “Well, I was thinkin’ we could all go to the movies today. Would you girls be my date?”

The girls scream in excitement, quickly abandoning their breakfast as they jump from their seats and begin hopping around like little Energizer bunnies.

“Finish your cereal first,” Kai orders lightly with a laugh. “And let me talk to Molly before we leave.”

The girls are quick to get back into their chairs, different colored Fruit Loops forgotten as they chow down.

Kai rounds the table, eyes directed on me and I’m quickly conjuring ideas of how to quickly endanyconversation with him. I’m not a good liar. I’m awful at holding things back and I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to keep this to myself.

Eventually, I’ll have to tell him, right?

The longer I wait, the worse it will be. Maybe I should do the alternative—

“Molly.” I turn my head toward Kai’s voice, finding him standing next to my chair as he offers a hand to help me up.

Goddamn broody, chivalrous man.

Taking it, he carefully helps me out of my chair and I can’t catch my breath. My body begins to tremble slightly because I’m nervous and scared. I don’t know how Kai is going to react to all this. How we haven’t even known each other a year and I’m over here carrying his kid like a gold digger who’s going to take him to the laundromat for all his money if we don’t work.