Page 78 of Grump Daddy's Baby

“Do you want to see?” I lift my shoulders, because why not? “All I have to do, Kai, is bend my ass over just a bit more to gain Myles’s attention. Then I’ll roll my hips and issue a growl from my throat—” She’s lifted in my arms and locking onto my lips before she can finish that thought because there’s no way in hell that my woman is doing any of that with my best friend.

He won’t be able to form any idea beyond that.

However, it’ll probably never happen like that because I plan on making Molly scream my name for talking shit.

For the rest of the night.



Ishould’veneverdonewhat I did.

This is some young twenty-year-old crap that I’ve gotten myself into and the outcome is going to be disastrous because this isn’t something I considerwelcome.

You’re twenty-five, idiot.

I am, but I know better. I’m fully aware of what could happen and the looming factors in the situation. My career was always my number one in my life. And when I got fired, I knew I couldn’t stop the hustle to eventually get back to where I was.

But this…

This is some life-changing, non-reversible shit that I’ve dug myself into.

And I’m not sure how I’m going to bring this up to Kai.

I’ve been doing a fantastic job with him so far. I mean, the man practically chases me around the house and shoves his dick inside me when I should be telling him everything that has been going on with me. All the worries and fears residing in my head are getting too heavy to hold on my own.

However, this is going to change everything.

No longer is he going to look at me the same way. The playfulness of what I’m given on a daily basis is going to wither up and die.

He’s going to resent me.

I already know it. I might not be aware of every thought and idea in this man’s head, but I do know what he’s wished for in life while we’re lying in each other’s arms at night. When he gives me his deepest and darkest desires, which aren’t extremely insane, but calm and nice.

But this is going to slay all of those.

It’s going to delay those desires further, and Kai is going to be stuck with someone else in his life that he might not want in the long run.

It happens.

At least before it would’ve been a clear break. There may have been some hard feelings attached, but there wouldn’t have been any reason for us to stay in contact with each other.

But now there is, a cemented commitment that neither of us planned, and I think it’s going to transform our dynamic forever.

And I really enjoyed our dynamic.

Because me being pregnant is going to piss him off.

Kai is at a point in this life where he’s watching his girls grow up and flourish. Where he’s ending his boxing career slowly and pulling himself out of the limelight so that he can do everything he said he wanted to do.



Drink beer in his backyard and relax.

Work on his car and cruise around town and along the beach.