“Thank you for this sudden crop of children and grandchildren. It was worth the wait.” He smiled. “I will go discuss the warrant.”

Okka looked up and said, “The bad man is getting in trouble.”

“Yes, dear. You know that already?”

“Oh, yes. Auntie Kyda is going to break him, and he’s going to scream then cry.”

Aluhara sighed. “I am sorry you had to see that. You woke early.”

“Yeah, we all did. All your daughters and me and Lorrica. We all started activations when we were two.”

“That is young.”

Her granddaughter giggled and clutched her hands together. “We are smart and strong. You should be happy.”

“I am happy. Today is the happiest I have ever been, and I will make sure that whatever my children need will come to pass.”

The little girl looked up at her with her own bright eyes. “You will. And when I have babies, they will call you grandma, too.”

Aluhara’s eyes teared up, and she hugged the little girl, making eye contact with her mother. There was wry understanding in her eyes.

Around the room, she saw Sethir who had been invited to the dinner and her daughters and son all around her. No matter what the rest of the world thought, this was herMother’s Day.

Chapter Eight

Kyda helped Laksi to her feet when Ylara came to them and said, “They have him. Laksi needs to make the identification. There is a projector standing by.”

Kyda nodded, and they bowed to the royal couple before leaving the room.

They walked down some stairs, and Kyda had an idea of what she wanted to do. It was possible. She had seen the effect in action, but now that she wanted to control it, she hoped she got it right. If she didn’t get it right, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

Laksi sighed. “I know Teddie would want to be here.” She paused. “And heavily armed.”

Kyda nodded. “We will try to get justice for her. When we have proof, I will act and not before.”

“What can you do?”

Kyda muttered, “End everything that gave him power for as long as I want.”

“Does Ados know? It seems that he should know.”

“He knows. He doesn’t mind.”

They walked into the large courtyard where angry Sethir had gathered. There was a blond who had been roughed up, and he was pleading for clemency.

“My rut hit, and she was the only omega nearby! I had to use her!” He was sobbing.

His mother and a male of a similar age were standing nearby, but she didn’t do anything more than cry silently.

Riithan said, “You left her. You hurt her, and you left her. If you considered her an omega, you would have brought her home.”

The man looked around, and then he said, “She is a foundling. They discard them all the time.”

Laksi growled and lunged for him, lifting him high and holding his throat.

Kyda stared, and Laksi was hovering above the ground by two feet, and the grip she had must have been crushing because he was choking, but she looked like she was holding a teacup. There was no strain in her expression.

He was clawing at her arm, and Riithan said, “Mistress Laksi, please, drop him. He has confessed and needs to be sentenced.”