A dark figure stepped forward. “There is a price on your head, little one.”

She stared at him but couldn’t manage to make out the figure. He was staticky and crackling with power, but her eyes didn’t want to focus.

“Yeah. I know. Nothing new. Are you here for dead or alive?”

Alarms were going off outside, and there was thumping against the door.

He cocked his head. “Alive. You are definitely wanted alive.”

She swallowed. “If I pitch in a few thousand, can you make it dead? I am really tired of hiding, and I am so very dangerous.”

The active moved toward her. “We will discuss it. Are you ready?”

She lifted her arms to the cloud of chaos, and it folded around her. Her mind lit up and then went dark.

* * * *

Answering the call from Krizt, Kynor ran into the room where his sister had been staying. He caught a familiar scent. “What showed on the monitors?”

“A cloud of lightning.”

Kynor ran a hand over his hair. “I hope he knows what he’s doing. Ados has just taken leave for personal matters. He said he was going home but didn’t mention taking her with him.”

Dr. Kritz was in the doorway. “You don’t sound upset.”

“She has insisted that I keep my life separate from hers for my safety. I have my house; she has her apartment. I have my work; she had hers. She even has friends, and I have my own. But I know that being a living death sentence for other actives weighs heavily on her mind.”

“I fixed that.”

“You did?”

Kynor smiled. “Does she know?”

“She does, but she was more depressed when there was an incident here where an interloper lost his life.”

“Yeah, that would do it.”

“Do you know who took her?”

“Yeah, my partner. Ados. He is off on personal leave though, so he might have taken her to collect the bounty on her head that the Sethir currently have issued.”

“What if he comes back, and she has been declared dead?”

“I am sure he will have a very nice funeral.” Kynor sighed.

Kritz muttered, “Let’s hope we don’t lose two agents in one day.”

“If he hurts Kyda, I will make it last.”

“You two don’t look like siblings.”

Kynor looked at the researcher and pulled out one of his lenses. “How about now?” The brilliant colour of his eyes was unmistakable.

He put the lens into his mouth and then put it back on his eye. “They wanted us marked up so they could find us anywhere. Twenty-bucks worth of plastic does the job of concealment.”

“Were their others?”

“Seven that were in the files we stole. We are the only ones that survived the escape.”