Kritz nodded. “Were you assisted in the escape?”

“No. Kyda got us out but didn’t know where to go from there. So, a seer gave a direction, and we went.”

“She has no direct active status. How did she find the way out?”

Kynor shrugged. “No idea. She wouldn’t say, and we were busy running for our lives.”

Kritz looked like he wanted to ask more questions but kept his mouth shut. “Can you get a tracker on them?”

Kynor nodded. “Yeah. They aren’t in a trackable area. Everything just goes grey.”

“Huh. That narrows it down to one hundred thirty-four places on the globe.”

He looked at the blue researcher. “You have a list?”

“Before Arcady, my hobbies were odd. Now that she is here, my personal life is odd.” He chuckled. He said he would send Kynor the list as soon as he could locate it.

Kynor’s sister was out there, waiting, so he hoped Kritz got his ass in gear. At that point, he got a call from Ados.What he hell?

* * * *

Kyda rubbed her head and sat up. An older woman sat on a padded chair in the corner, her white hair braided into a thick cable.

“Oh, little miss. You are awake. My grandson was panicked until I confirmed your vitals.”

“My name is Kyda Lyt.”

“Any titles?”

“No, ma’am.”

“I am Madame Trohath. Ados’s grandmother and retired researcher for the Sethir-Nin.” She chuckled. “Banished, really. Not so much retired. You can call me Nandy.”


The woman’s expression softened. “Yes, Kyda. Too beloved to kill and too dangerous to leave where a mentalist could pick my brain, so they put me here on the archipelago.”

“Why am I here?”

The woman raised her brows.

“Why am I here, Nandy?”

A beaming smile lit her features as she walked to Kyda and flipped the bedding back. “Ah, classic scrubs. Let me know when you want to change. I have wardrobes here going back three generations. Come on. Let’s get some food into you.”

Kyda got out of bed and held onto it until her legs were steady. She followed Nandy downstairs to a kitchen that was big but cozy at the same time. Everything was white and wood; the counters were spotless. “Uh... am I dead?”

Nandy smiled as she put a kettle on. “No, dear. You aren’t dead. You are safe. One of less than two hundred safe places on the planet that is this safe.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that we can’t leave, but they can’t come in. Ados can, of course, but he knows exactly where we are.”

“Wait, so you are here alone?”

“Yes. I am enjoying continuing my research, and here, Ados has dropped my research into my lap, so to speak.”

Kyda stared. “What?”