Laksi smiled and told her.

Nandy was nearly vibrating with excitement. “Can they come here?”

“This might be easier if you were somewhere more accessible.” Laksi smiled. “I will make a few calls to see if we can’t get you back to the stronghold under house arrest.”

“You think that will make a difference?”

Laksi shrugged. “It won’t hurt to ask.” Laksi had a pretty good idea of what the Sethir wanted from their family. The king and queen had been very specific with their hopes for Aluhara’s line. The Sethir wanted it kept to their bloodlines.

Nandy’s computer chirped, and she turned and whistled slowly. “Are you in a lot of pain?”

“A fair bit. I can move around, but my power isn’t accessible yet. I need equilibrium to manipulate heat.”

“Right. And you depend on your own natural systems to boost calcium lamination on your bones.”


Nandy turned to her. “I can fix that.”

“I thought you might be able to. No one knows our genetics more than the woman who tried to get them out into the world.”

Nandy blushed a little. “You know that, too?”

“Of course. You and Aluhara went to school together, and you made genetics your focus with the express idea of helping her out.”

Nandy sighed. “She went to school with my mother but visited our house frequently. She had two mates before Hedoreth, and they both rejected her because she could not have children. A beautiful doll. So, when I was old enough and my focus was genetics, I got my studies into focus, got a mate and kids, and made helping her part of my life. I was so delighted to find a way to stall her immortality and harvest her eggs. To lose them almost cost both of us our sanity.”

“Which is why you ended up here.”

“Correct. Ados’s father didn’t appreciate my obsession as it made me a distracted mother, but he and other Sethir kept me in supplies for the first thirty years. After that, Ados took over, and it has been rather fun.” She chuckled. “Right now, it is a delight.”

Laksi nodded. “I can see that.”

“Anyway. I have my preliminary scans. I will draw some blood and then show you to one of the guestrooms.”

“Thank you. It’s been a long day.”

The formalities were taken care of, Laksi was shown a room in creams and greys, and she settled in for the night.

Nandy headed back to her lab, and Laksiana went to sleep.

There would be progress in the morning. She was sure of it.

Chapter Nine

Kyda stretched slowly, and Ados’s hands moved on her. He kissed her shoulder, and she blushed as the Sethir word came to mind. It was an effective teaching tool.

He let out a soft rumble against her shoulder. “Morning, Kyda.”

“Morning, Ados.” She squirmed a little and then froze. “I think I should go start breakfast.” The Sethir word for erection was echoing through her thoughts.

“Is that what you want?”

“Honestly? No. But I need to regroup a little. This is not unexpected, but I wasn’t braced for it if you know what I mean.”

He chuckled. “Preparing for battle?”

“Well, no. A lifetime of mandatory celibacy doesn’t just wear off because you have one good night.”