He kissed her neck. “I am glad it was good. Very, very glad.”

“Don’t you have to get back on duty?”

“I am off for a few more days. Kynor as well. He was considered to need time off when his sister disappeared.” He nuzzled her neck again. “My time off was arranged by the stronghold once our engagement was confirmed.”

“Yeah, how did that happen again?”

“You have one parent on record, and Aluhara and Hedoreth made the agreement with my parents. Our mutual attraction and record of our dating history were taken into account. Your link to Nandy was also established, so you are a perfect addition to our family.”


He slipped a hand up to cover one breast. “This high?”

She pressed her fingers over his. “I am going to make breakfast before we end up way outside my comfort zone.”

He kissed her temple. “If I ever upset you, just tell me to stop. Or warn me that you will tell your mother on me.”

“Right. When we do eventually... complete the process—”

Ados leaned up and grinned. “Romantic.”

“—Shut up. When we do that, you can’t tell my brother.”

“Already promised.”

She sat up and looked at him from head to toe. “Oh, great. Glad to know that it has already been discussed by someone other than myself.”

Ados snorted. “When he learned that you were where I was spending all my free time, he made me promise to skip details when we started having sex. He had been prying general information out of me for years, but I didn’t realize how old he was, or I would have kept my mouth shut.”

She stood up and went to get dressed. “Yeah, as useful as his advanced aging has been for me, people don’t realize how young he is.”

Kyda put on her underwear and then put on jeans and a tee shirt. The socks and sneakers were next.

“Preparing for suburban battle?” Ados was sitting on the edge of the bed and watching.

“Getting ready to work on the guesthouse. I like to finish projects when I start.”

He held his hands out, so she walked over and settled her hands against his. She kissed him softly and asked, “Are you going to help? You can continue the language lesson with construction in mind.”

“Not nearly as fun as the anatomy lesson.”

She kissed his cheek. “Well, there is holding, bracing, measuring, hammering, and... screwing?”

He grinned. “I will be down in five minutes.”

Kyda smiled and left the room.

She smelled food in the kitchen and found Laksi making breakfast. It was heavy on the fruit, and there was a flatbread and yogurt dip, but it looked good.

“Morning, Laksi.”

“Morning, Kyda. Sleep well?”

“Not as much as I normally get, but it was restful.”

“You like him?”

“I do. I was registered for platonic or sweet dates, and he was my patron.”