Ados quirked his brow. “Clock is ticking, Kyda.”

She shook her head but moved up until she tucked her head against the column of his neck. She breathed softly against his skin. He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her there for the rest of the minute.

When she guessed a minute ticked by, she moved, and his arm tightened. “Um, where are the crisps.”

He sighed. “Compartment under the cucumbers.”

She grinned and kissed his jaw. “Thanks.”

She squirmed, and he let her go with another heavy sigh.

Nandy asked, “What the hell was that?”

Kyda ignored her and went for the fried salty snacks.

Ados told his grandmother, “Kyda really likes salty snacks, but she only lets herself have them on dates. So, I hide them, and she has to cuddle me for a minute to get the location.”

“That is... odd.”

Kyda was crunching away. “Don’t judge my crazy.”

Ados laughed and rubbed her back. “No judging from me.”

She paused in her munching and grabbed the container of tarts. “You get a tart.”

He laughed.

When the crunchy snacks were done, she sighed and sat back, licking crumbs from her lips. “I missed those.”

Nandy chuckled. “I don’t have anything like that here, I’m afraid.”

“I can’t eat many, or I get sick, but Ados always packs just the right amount of them. He doesn’t even make a move for them himself.”

“I see.” Nandy sounded amused, and when Kyda looked at her, she was smiling softly. “Oh, by the way, Ados, Kyda is no longer vulnerable to bleeding. Her skin has been reinforced. Are you staying overnight?”

Kyda’s eyes got wide, and she stared at Nandy. “Aren’t I in his room?”

Ados asked, “How can you tell?”

“Sense of smell just kicked in. The room smells like you,” she muttered. “Seriously, how do you Sethir manage things when the world comes at you through your nose?”

Nandy laughed, and Ados chuckled.

Nandy sighed, “Of course, testing will have to be done to determine whether all her body fluids are safe.”

“What the actual hell, Nandy!” she shrieked.

Ados chuckled. “I will spend the night in the guesthouse.”

Nandy frowned. “It isn’t finished, Ados.”

“I know. I will finish it during this visit.”

Kyda turned to him. “Do you need help?”

“Can you do construction?”

She smiled. “Yes. Kynor and I worked construction for six months to get enough money to make it to Aksalla.”