Nandy frowned. “You worked on a job site?”

“Sure. There are these things called gloves and long-sleeved shirts. I did all the measuring and cutting, and Kynor lifted things and did the fastening. We made a good team.”

Ados chuckled. “You can help.”

Nandy frowned. “I need to run more tests. Her new activations may manifest at any moment.”

Ados paused. “Wait. What new activations?”

Kyda started to collect the empty cases from the picnic. In her mind, she was whistling innocently.

Nandy informed him, “She was my experiment. They think her blood is the weapon, but she was supposed to be the weapon. She has blood domination. She can assume the power of any active when she consumes their blood. Or injects it.”

Kyda piled everything into the picnic basket.

“Nandy, what did you do?” There was horror in Ados’s voice

“I finished the experiment. Well, I advanced it.” Nandy snorted. “It is what she was made for.”

Kyda got up with the basket. “I will let you two hash this out.”

She turned, bobbed a curtsey to them both, and then scampered to the house. She didn’t want to be in the middle of that.

* * * *

“Nandy, what did you do?” Ados felt worried when he watched Kyda make a run for it.

“I moved her evolution along. She was still in the first stage.” His grandmother looked defensive. “I gave her rapid healing to start, then strength, energy attack, contact reading, speed, and a few other items that will be handy if she decides to have a family. Oh, and about nineteen trackers that have embedded themselves in major organs.”

Ados covered his eyes with his hand. “What are the trackers for?”

“In case she runs. Oh, and to keep track of her vitals.” Nandy chuckled. “You know what I did for a living.”

He looked at the most terrifying geneticist in Sethir’s history and nodded. “I knew, but I thought you would keep her safe. Wait, can she fly?”

“No. I wasn’t going to do that to her. Not yet.”

He frowned. “Why not?”

“She has already grown the muscle attachments for strength. There is a part of the brain that needs to develop for flight, and I want her to pace herself. She’s fine for now, and once she masters what she already has, I will give her a sample with flight.”

“Where did you get the samples?” Ados frowned at his grandmother.

“They were given to me by the government when I was dismissed. I think it was just in case one of the experiments was discovered.”

Ados frowned. “You said that you had only designed the experiments and your research was stolen at the same time as the eggs.”

Nandy smiled. “That is true. And accurate. I was positive that the experiments would be carried out and that one of them would find their way to me. I never imagined it would be one like her, but the royal family provided blood samples from some of the honoured dead. Those are the powers she’s going to channel.”

Ados ran a hand over his hair. “Do you think she can manage what you have given her?”

Nandy chuckled. “I think she will thrive. Now, what is your big concern?”

“I was wondering about the bodily fluids. When are you going to run those tests?”

His grandmother grinned. “Why do you want to know that?”

“You know why, Nandy.”