“Excellent. So, first, I will explain what you were designed to do, and then we will work on shaping it. It is in you somewhere.” Nandy rubbed her hands together. “I am very excited to have someone else in my lab.”

Kyda smiled weakly. The thought of going back into another lab terrified her, but she would have to stifle her fear and try. This might be her only chance.

Chapter Three

Kynor struck Ados the moment he rematerialized at the base. “Where is she?”

The larger agent grunted and slid back a few feet.

Ados grabbed the next fist and growled. “Hold it, Kynor.”

“Where. Is. She?” With every word, he threw another punch, and Ados just kept catching the crushing punches.

He finally acted and held Kynor’s arms against his body. “She’s fine. She’s alive and well, and with my grandmother.”

Kynor slumped. “She’s safe?”

“Absolutely. There are two people who can find her, and I am one of them. The other would have to know that she was there to begin with, which he does not.”

Kynor surrendered, and Ados released him. “Damn, okay. Where is she? I need to see her.”

“She’s on a lost island with my grandmother. When she is ready, she will be in contact. You needed her to be safe, so she is safe. Can we get back to work?” Ados smiled. “You know she’s safe, and I can’t really lie, so you know it’s the truth. I have clocked back in, so I am ready to return to active duty until my normal rest day.”

Kynor nodded. “What about your dates at the BDC?”

“Well, I am still waiting for fifty-three to return to active status, so until that happens, I am flying solo.”

“You are going to be waiting a while.” Kynor snorted and headed for his room.


“You just dropped her on a fucking island with your grandmother.”

Ados stared. “Her scent is wrong. Her jaw is wrong.”

“That is because she worked in a coffee shop and hasn’t been there for nearly two weeks. She doesn’t smell like coffee anymore. And her face has been reset to its original structure.”

Ados blinked. “Her scent was coffee, fruit, and whipped cream over female warmth.”

Kynor winced. “Ados, really? She’s my sister.”

Ados looked at him and nodded. “You wear lenses.”

Kynor chuckled. “As you know.”

“She wears lenses. Not that I have seen her eyes. The mask was enforced on all of our dates.”

“Yes. She wears lenses normally. Right now, they aren’t on her.”

Ados muttered, “You know where I want to go right now.”

“Yeah, but you just clocked in, so suck it up. My sister is the deadliest woman in the world to any active dumb enough to touch her blood.”

“Well, it explains why I was stuck with courtship to date her. It was fun, but she was gorgeous.” He sighed. “Come on. Let’s go remove folks in a violent manner. It will suit my mood.”

Kynor nodded. “Right. You can take point.”

Ados looked at him. “Is this going to be awkward for you?”