Nandy turned to her with a smile. “I came up with the original idea of your particular genetic code.”

Kyda’s shock couldn’t be greater. “What?”

“I was the geneticist that posited a reversal active could be created. The Uraddans stole my research and made you. I must confess to extreme curiosity.”

“Are you going to take me apart?” Kyda was a little shocky. She could still feel the effects of the transport.

“No, dear. I am going to teach you about what you are and how to actually use it instead of cowering like a little mouse. You could be a lion if you just tried.” Nandy got a teapot ready. “With what you are, you can shake the world.”

“Me against the world. That is familiar. Well, me and my brother.”

Nandy blinked. “Brother? Really?”

“Well, we were both created in the lab. Once they got me, they stopped the project. They didn’t want to waste him, so they grew him afterward.”

“They ran out of eggs.” Nandy chuckled.


“They stole the eggs of one of the greatest women in the history of the Sethir. She was a warrior but couldn’t bring a child to term, so she signed up for surrogacy. They got the eggs, and the first harvest of twelve was stolen.” Nandy smiled. “This was thirty years ago. Ados was just a lad, and I was blamed for the security breach. I agreed to live here where I would be out of the way. Ados came to help me move in, and he flicks back and forth without any warning.”

“Ah. Delightful. So, you designed me?”

“I designed the procedure that they used to create you. The technique and the list of donor DNA that was needed to craft you. That was me. I would say I was sorry, but look at you. You are gorgeous.”

“I am normal.”

“Oh, honey. Whatever that blue bastard did reset your features to the original design; you are stunning.”

Kyda was flustered. “I don’t understand. Why am I here?”

“Ah. That. Ados heard about your trouble, and your brother was worrying himself into a frenzy, so my grandson brought you here to be safe. He wants to keep his partner from stressing out.”

Kyda nodded. “Oh. Okay. Good.”

“Why? You seem to think it could be something else.”

She scrambled and came up with a response. “I thought he was going to kill me, and I can’t say I was unhappy about the thought.”

“How do you feel right now?”

“Can you stop this from nulling actives?”

“No, but I can teach you to control it, channel it, and make it your own.” Nandy smiled.

“If you can teach me that, I will clean your house daily.”

“Oh, sweet. Bots do that. I just need company when I go out for picnics.”

She blinked. “Picnics?”

“Yes. I make my grandson come with me when he’s here. It helps me to feel that I am still on the planet.”

“Oh. Yeah. I can definitely do that. I can make dessert.”

Nandy smiled. “Can you make shortcake tarts? Ados has been mentioning them, and I haven’t seen them before. I confess curiosity.”

“I can do that.” She smiled. She wasn’t sure Ados knew who she was, but she did love to make the tarts.