Mrs. Thatcher sighs. "If you’ll permit me to say, your mother doesn’t seem to be the sort of person who likes being ignored."

"That she’s not," I reply, smiling. "But I’ve got too much on my mind right now to deal with her negativity as well."

She nods politely. "Do you perhaps need me to stay late today?"

"No," I say. "Thank you. Go home to your husband. We should all do that. I mean… go home, to our partners, not husbands."

We both chuckle. That line was so corny, but I couldn’t help myself. I needed a chuckle.

With a smile I bid her goodnight and shut the door, listening to her receding footsteps until they are no more. I start to pick up the phone to call my mother but quickly put it down. What's the use in upsetting her? I remind myself that I’m not the little boy she thinks I am, the same boy she could always control and make her do her bidding. I am my own man now. She needs to learn that.

The idea is strangely liberating.

I am going to get in contact with her later in the week, once things settle down a bit. Right now, I need to focus on the matters at hand. I take a deep breath and reach for another book to look over the information.

After I finish reading the book for the fifth time and I have been sitting in the same chair with it for two hours, I hear a knock on my door. Quickly I close the book and stand up, walking around the desk to open it. When I pull it open, I find Shawn standing on the other side.

"I don't mean to bother you," he says as I step aside for him to enter the office. "I just wanted to drop this paperwork."

He holds out a folder and I take it from him. I flip through as we walk to my desk, where we take our usual seats.

"You read the information I gave you?" I asked, feeling a little surprised that he listened. "You liked the idea?"

"Well, I am not a big fan of kids having a robot best friend, but the technology itself is amazing. The rate those robots learn is remarkable. My lawyers have already been in touch with them. I need you to look over everything and tell me if this is something we should pursue."

"I will look through it all tonight and we will talk about it tomorrow," I reply. "First thing in the morning."

"I appreciate that. Well, I won’t keep you much longer. I can see the time, and being late home to a pregnant wife is one of the worst things a man can do," he chuckles.

Then, he shakes my hand as he stands to leave. I grab my keys, throw the folder in my briefcase, and head out the door.

On the drive home, I practice my speech on why Riley should give birth in a hospital, but no matter how I say it, it doesn't come out right.

I make it home, with the same thoughts swimming in my head. When I walk through the front door, a delicious aroma envelopes me and I feel my stomach rumbling.

Walking up the stairs, I see the light on in the nursery and know Riley is in there.

Before I reach the room, I can hear Riley softly singing to herself. Her voice is sweet and angelic. I feel a smile creep across my face, listening to her sing.

"Hey," I say and watch her jump. "I didn't mean to startle you."

She smiles and shakes her head. "I was so focused on setting all this up that I didn't hear you come in."

She walks over and wraps her arms around me. I squeeze her gently and breathe on the scent of her shampoo.

"I think Gloria is almost finished with dinner," she says.

"Well, let's go find out."

When we get to the dining room, dinner is already on the table. I pull out Riley's chair for her and help her sit down. During dinner, we discuss our day and our plans for tomorrow. After we finish, Gloria clears the table, and we go upstairs to our room.

Riley disappears into the bathroom while I change my clothes. She returns wearing a pink nightgown, with her hair pulled back in a braid. The sight of her makes my heart skip a beat. She has never looked more beautiful.

As we climb into bed, I know I have to say something. I can't keep it in any longer.

"Riley, I need to talk to you about something," I say, trying not to sound too serious.

"What is it?" She asks, sleepy and confused.