He has painted a portrait of himself as the eternal bachelor. Although we’ve gotten closer over the past couple of months, but we still didn’t talk about anything as big as marriage.
He is kicking harder than ever. My stomach starts to churn and I sit up quickly. It feels like Anthony's foot has reached his destination and then pulled back immediately. He is obviously energized after dinner, but my stomach isn't so happy about that development.
"Are you okay?" Harrison asks as he walks in and sees me wincing from the pain.
"Yeah," I mumble as I stand up and start pacing the floor.
Harrison watches me with concern written all over his face. When I come close enough, he wraps his arms around my waist as he holds me close to him.
"You don’t seem ok." His brow furrows with concern.
I shrug and bury my face in his chest. "My stomach just turned. It felt funny."
"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"
"No, no. I’m fine. It won't hurt that much longer."
"How does it feel?"
"Like a small earthquake took place." I chuckle, resting my cheek against his shoulder.
We stay like that for a few minutes. He strokes my hair gently until I fall asleep.
In the morning, I am still feeling uncomfortable. Harrison sits down next to me on the bed and puts his arm around me.
"Come on, it doesn't look like that's going to stop anytime soon. Let's eat and get some food down before it becomes unbearable," he whispers in my ear.
I step back and give him a weak smile. "You're probably right and I'm starving. I think Anthony might be too."
He takes my hand and leads me downstairs to the dining room. When we get to the table, Harrison pulls out my chair and helps me sit down. Then he sits across the table from me.
"The food smells wonderful," I tell him.
"I hope you’re in the mood for pancakes," Gloria says, smiling as she sets a large plate piled high with pancakes in front of us, along with fresh fruit and bacon.
"Oh, it looks delicious," I reply eagerly as I reach for one of the strips of bacon.
"I am glad you like it. Hopefully, the baby will enjoy it as well. Lol," Gloria replies.
When she finishes setting the plate down for us, she walks away. Once I start eating, the pain subsides, and I am able to relax… at least physically. But the mind is still in a whirlwind of commotion and confusion.
Chapter Sixteen
I never thought I’d be reading pamphlets on home birth, but I guess life has a way of taking you by surprise. The knowledge of Gabby's condition is still fresh in my mind as I read the literature the midwife had given me. Riley is still insisting on a home birth, but I am not comfortable with it. I thumb through the pages, briefly scanning each one.
This might be my only baby—I can't take the chance. I want everything to go smoothly. No. I need everything to go smoothly. Sometimes, Riley can be so stubborn. I guess that arises out of our differences. I wonder who ever said that opposites attract. I can’t tell if he’s a moron or a freaking genius.
There's a quick tap on the door before Mrs. Thatcher opens it and walks in. I quickly think back to remember whether she had another appointment.
"Do you need something, Mrs. Thatcher?" I ask as pleasantly as possible.
"Lauren wanted me to tell you that your mother would like to speak to you," she replies. We’re both sharing that same look of annoyance.
I can't help but smile at her camaraderie. " I will get in touch with her eventually. If Lauren should call again, please tell her I got the message and I'll handle it. Honestly, I am avoiding her at the moment. I have heard enough of her opinions lately."