"Okay. I'll go put some clothes in the dryer. Would you like me to bring your stuff upstairs so you don't have to go back downstairs?" Gloria asks, walking into the other room.

"Thanks," I reply, sitting down at the table.

"Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything you need help with?"

"Not right now. If you need any help later, let me know." I reply.

"I have Penny here to help me, Riley. You need to rest," Gloria replies from the next room.

"How are you feeling?" Penny asks, sitting down at the table with me. "Are you still getting morning sickness?"

"No, thankfully, that is long gone," I reply.

Penny smiles. "Thank goodness. Do you want me to help you set up some of the furniture in the nursery?"

"That would be great, Penny. Thank you. We can work on it in a little while. I just need to rest for a few minutes."

"Great!" Penny says.

Her excitement over such a task takes me by surprise, but I don't say anything. Penny stands up and walks to the stove to stir the food in the pot. The aroma fills the house as I watch her work.

"Can you hand me the carrots?" Gloria says as she walks back into the room.

Penny walks to the counter, where the sliced carrots lay on the cutting board. She picks up the cutting board and hands it to Gloria.

"Here you go."

"Thank you, Penny," Gloria replies.

"Would you like me to get you anything, Riley?" Penny asks, turning to look at me.

I smile politely, but I’m not really in the mood for anything. The news of Harrison’s new deal is still somehow off. Why didn’t he mention anything? It was the most important deal he had to make lately. I doubt he wouldn’t mention it, unless there was something I didn’t know… something he didn’t want me to find out.

I shake my head and excuse myself before heading to the living room.

The sounds of a commotion outside caught my attention as I sat with my laptop, looking through pregnancy blogs. I look toward the window just as Gloria and Penny enter the room, looking confused and curious.

"I told you blondie across the street was sleeping with the gardener. I just saw her husband chasing him down the street," Gloria says, trying not to laugh as she looks out of the living room window.

"I don't know where he thinks he is going. It looks like he left his truck and his clothes with blondie," Penny adds, joining her cousin.

Curious, I walk over to witness the show for myself and catch a glimpse of a naked man running past our house. Close behind him, is the husband of the flirtatious woman across the street.

"How much do you want to bet that tennis instructor of hers is the next one he catches?" I ask, still watching the chaos in the street.

"My money is on that pool boy who was there last week," Gloria replies confidently.

"Pool boy?" Penny repeats, flashing Gloria a look of confusion. "They don't have a pool. I run past there every morning. I've never seen a pool."

"Exactly," Gloria says with a smile. "I am pretty sure that will be her husband's first clue that something isn't right."

The laughter fills the living room as the scene outside comes to an end. Gloria heads to the kitchen to check on dinner while Penny and I head to the nursery.

After dinner I lay down on my bed, and I can feel Anthony kicking inside my belly. I place my hand where I feel his kicks and sigh happily. I close my eyes, hoping to get a little sleep before dinner.

I lay on my bed thinking about what Shawn said. My new family? I never considered what having a baby with Harrison might lead to. Our relationship is fairly new, and I am not sure what he sees for our future.

Does he want a wife? Does he want a family?