"I don't know." I shake my head.
She looks at me sadly and then stands up. "Come on, you need to get up."
"What?" I look up at her.
"You heard me. Now get up."
I push myself up and follow her. She leads me out of the nursery and down the stairs to the living room. Without a word, she grabs my keys and tosses them to me. Then, with a smile, she turns and leaves, closing the door behind her.
I quickly lock up the house and walk outside. As soon as I hit the pavement, I throw my car into drive and speed away. Before I pull out onto the main road, I make another call.
"Hello?" A woman answers on the other end.
"Hi, is Riley there?"
"Riley is at the hospital. I will send you the address."
"Is she okay?"
"She is in labor. Her mother insisted she go to the hospital immediately."
"Thanks." I hang up and punch the gas pedal.
The rest of the trip seems like a blur. I am still trying to figure out where I am when the light changes and I am forced to stop at the red light. The hospital is only a couple minutes away and once I pull into the parking lot, I hop out of the car and race inside.
The waiting room is empty except for a few nurses and orderlies. They all look up as I run past, heading straight to the maternity ward. I burst through the double doors and rush down the hall.
"Riley!" I yell as I run through the doors.
The nurse at the front desk looks up at me. "Can I help you?"
"Where's my wife? Her mother said she was in labor."
The petite brunette woman nods as she listens.
"She is fine, sir. Just resting."
"What happened?"
"She started having contractions shortly after midnight and we've had her on bedrest since then. We were just about to move her to the delivery room."
"I need to see her," I beg.
"Of course, sir. Please, follow me."
We pass several closed doors until I hear the familiar sound of a baby crying. "Here we are," the nurse says. "If you'd please, come in."
She opens the door and I step inside. It's dark and quiet. The lights are turned low and there's a small lamp on the nightstand next to the bed. I take a seat on the chair by the side of the bed and watch as Riley sleeps peacefully. She is hooked up to all kinds of machines and tubes, but most importantly she has a smile on her face. I lean over and kiss her cheek before pulling the covers up over her.
"Is she going to be okay?" I ask softly so I don't disturb her.
"She will be just fine. Sometimes stress can cause a woman to go into labor early, but she is far enough along to deliver safely."
"Thank you." I stand up and look around the room. "Where are the doctors?"