"They'll be here any minute," the nurse says. "Just sit tight."

I nod and reach for Riley's hand. I squeeze it gently and watch as her eyes flutter open. She reaches out for me, grabbing my shirt. I lean down and kiss her lips before pulling back and smiling at her.

"Hey," I say. "I thought I was going to miss all the fun."

"I am so glad you're here," she says, wrapping her arms around me.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I love you, Riley. I don't want to lose you."

"Do you really mean that?" She asks with tears in her eyes. "Don't say it if it's not true."

"Of course, it's true," I say as my eyes fill with tears. "Riley, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You came into my life and changed everything. You gave me everything I didn't even know I wanted."

"What about the deal with Shawn? I heard what your mother said."

"In the beginning, I'll admit it had something to do with it. He wanted to do business with a family man, and I thought it made sense. I found out what parenting class his daughter was taking and signed up for it. I never expected for you and Gabby to become so close. I am sorry I lied to you, but the deal had nothing to do with how I feel about you or Anthony. I love you both more than I thought was possible. I want to spend the rest of my life making you two happy."

"I want to believe you, but I don't want this to be just for show."

"It's not. I don't care about how other people think of me. I want to marry you, Riley. Will you marry me?"

She sniffs, wiping away the tears. "Yes." She smiles and kisses me. "I love you, Harrison."

"And I love you, Riley."

Suddenly her face changes, contorting into a look of agony as she grabs her belly and tries to mute her cries. Her breathing is shaky and rapid. She grabs for my hand and squeezes until the pain subsides.

It's almost time now. Anthony will be here soon.

Chapter Twenty-Five


The house seems different from when I left, but I couldn't say how. Maybe it's Anthony in his nursery, filling it with life. I don't know what to expect anymore. Everything is like a dream.

I enter the living room and sit on the couch. The curtains are drawn; the only light comes from the television. I turn the volume down as low as possible without turning it off completely. I want to make sure I hear Anthony if he cries.

The clock reads four fifteen, and I am not tired at all. But then again, I have been awake for so long now that my body might have forgotten what it feels like to sleep. I think about laying down for a while just to rest my eyes, but I am afraid to wake from this dream.

"You look exhausted," Harrison says, sitting down next to me. "You should get some sleep. Penny can handle Anthony. She will wake you if she needs you."

"I guess I could do that," I tell him. "But I am not sure if I'll be able to fall back asleep after lying down."

He takes my hand in his, and we watch TV together until five thirty rolls around. Anthony wakes up crying, and the two of us go upstairs together.

Harrison scoops up the fussy boy and holds him close to his chest. The sight of them together almost brings me to tears, but I fight them back, not wanting to ruin the moment.

We return to the living room, where I sit with my laptop while Harrison watches TV with Anthony. He doesn't seem too bothered by the change in atmosphere as we walk through the halls. It's almost as if he knows where he is going.

He sleeps well tonight, and I manage to catch a few hours of sleep myself before waking up early. The sun shines brightly into the room, but I stay in bed longer than usual, enjoying the warmth and comfort of the sheets and blankets. I wonder how Penny is doing with Anthony, but I trust that she can handle things.

Harrison walks over to me and kisses me goodbye. "Good morning, beautiful girl."

"Morning, handsome." I roll out of bed and get dressed.

"Do you need anything?" he asks.