Page 8 of Never Say Never

"Not just no, fuck no!" There's my girl. "You know I'm with Wes. Why would you even think I would...,"

"Oh come off the high horse, baby. People do this all the time in this town. This is how things are done. You might be with Wes but I'm sure he won't mind if I have a sample for myself." I listen to what she tells him next. I want to see what is going on but if I step in front of the door I'll give myself away. The next thing I hear has me saying fuck waiting and go in the room anyway.

"You bitch!" Jon has his hand curled around Ivy's upper arm but she is pulling hard to make him let her go. She's so focused on getting away from him she doesn't even notice I am standing in the doorway. Jon has three scratch marks running down his cheek with blood slowly starting to seep out of them. "I could ruin you. I could destroy everything you have."

Ivy doesn't want to hear anymore and uses the heel of her hand to hit him in the face causing him to let go. She falls to the floor and is trying to scurry away when Jon finally notices me. "Wes." His eyes go to Ivy who is still on the ground. "Thank God you got here when you did, man. This crazy bitch invited me here to fuck her and then went all to shit when I told her you were my mate and I couldn't do you that way."

Ivy's eyes are a combination of scared and pissed. She kicks at Jon again who just barely escapes a foot to the balls. "Fucking psycho bitch!"

I step between her and Jon. I never take my eyes off of him. He's a dead man he just doesn't know it yet. I turn to pick up Ivy; she has a cut on her lip that looks like it might have been busted open. I can't tell if it is from hitting the floor or if it is something Jon did, doesn't matter. Her eyes are suspicious of even me and it kills me that she's worried about this fuck hole.

"Brandon," in the space of a single second my bodyguard is standing next to me. I push Ivy back so that she is closer to Brandon. "Go."

"Wes. Man, she is a psychotic bitch. Lose her and lets you and me go out tonight looking for free pussy." I turn and have my knee in his junk before he can suck in the next breath. I follow that up with a good elbow to the side of the head.

"Wes! What the hell are you doing?" I hear her voice but it doesn't stop me from grabbing him by the hair of the head when he tries to hit me. He has the weakest fucking punch. It glances off my cheek and I don't feel a thing. Pussy! I have him by the throat in no time. Then tiny hands are on my shoulder pulling me. "Wes, please. Please don't. They'll just say I'm having an affair and you found us together. We don't need or want that drama. Please don't kill him."

I turn to see her eyes looking into my own. I stand and wipe the blood from my own busted lip away. I turn and pick Ivy up and pass her to my guard. "Keep her safe and take her somewhere else."

"No!" she tries to struggle in Brandon's grip but he isn't going to let her go.

"Shut the door on your way out." I wait for the door to slam shut before I go back to Jon, who is laying on the ground grabbing his nose. Guess he's going to have to buy another nose job. I pick him up by the hair again and he makes some half-assed attempt to swing at me. I have the knife I carry with me everywhere out and at his throat in no time. Guess you really don't forget how to do some things after all. "My girl asked me not to kill you. But I do want you to remember what happened today. I want you to think of me every time you try to have cold, empty sex with some girl you just picked up. I want you to think about me going home and fucking the same woman every night. Fuck night, morning, noon, any fucking time I want it I got it. Every sweet soft hole because she'll give me all of them any time I ask. I want you to think about that every time you try to fuck some half drugged-out money-grubbing starlet who only said yes to you because of who your daddy is. And I want you to remember to leave Ivy the fuck alone." I let him go because I like seeing him scooting back on his ass in tears, halfway to begging for his life. "You forgot who I am and where I came from didn't you, Jon?"

I finish making sure Jon's surgeon has a new set of scars to worry about getting rid of and I come out to another shit show with my girl right in the middle. It doesn't take me long to find where Brandon took her because of the yelling. When I walk in Ivy is up against a wall with three bodyguards around her. "Don't fucking touch me!"

"I'm not trying to touch you. I just can't let you go until Wes comes to get you." Brandon sounds like he is about to fucking cry and if I wasn't still so pissed off at Jon I might have laughed. A bowl of fruit goes sailing past Brandon only because he ducked quick enough to avoid it. He sees me and visibly relaxes. "Oh fucking thank God. She won't let any of us close enough to do anything with her, boss. All I could think to do was to try to ask a couple of more guys to help with her."

"I think I got her." I walk between Brandon and another giant of a man who does security for me. Ivy is out of breath but this time her eyes are spitting fire. She wobbles the bowl in her hands she was going to throw next. I walk right up to her and take it from her. She lets go without a fight. As soon as our eyes meet hers fill with tears and her chin starts to wobble. I pull her into me and she surprises me by wrapping her arms around my neck and letting out a giant sob. I lift and she wraps her legs around my waist as I take her back into another dressing room. I slam the door shut and make sure it's locked. I sit on the couch they have against the wall and rock her back and forth saying useless shit to try to calm her and stop her tears from coming.

Eventually, I start dropping little kisses on her cheek and neck and she surprises me by turning into them until our mouths touch. Her lips taste salty like her tears and the reminder of why is she crying only makes me want to kiss her harder, deeper, leaving my mark on her. She whimpers into my mouth before letting me in so that my tongue can caress hers. Somewhere along the way the kiss turns wilder, faster, and by the time a knock lands on the door both of us are out of breath and making soft sounds of pleasure in each other's mouths.

When I break the kiss and look at Ivy her lips are swollen from my kisses and her hair has been all but torn down from the ponytail she was wearing because my hands have burrowed in to pull her where I want her, where I need her. It takes me a minute to realize my phone is ringing and the knocking isn't going away at the door. I growl at the fact that someone is trying to stop me.

"Who the fuck is it?" Ivy jumps in my lap. My hands naturally drop to her ass to hold her in place.

"It's your fucking agent here to clean up your mess, so open the hell up." Vin is about the only person in the world I would let in right now. I know he's only got eyes for his wife so he isn't going to be looking at Ivy and thinking about fucking her because of how god damned sexy she looks half fucked.

I don't put Ivy down and instead, just stand with her and go to the door to unlock it. She isn't expecting me to take her with me so she lets out a cute as fuck little squeal before tightening her arms around my shoulders. Fuck her lips are really distracting. But so is the feel of her soft breasts pressed so tight to my chest.

Vin takes one look and rolls his eyes. "Put it away before there's pics of it all over the internet."

I have to let out a grunt at his words. All I need are pics to come out of my fucking chub. I reach down to rearrange myself but it doesn't help. It doesn't help at all considering I just tucked my cock closer to Ivy's hot as fuck pussy. Vin turns and shoots me a look that would normally make me laugh my ass off but this time all it does is make me stare at him as I move Ivy down to act as cover. Fuck it. There is no hiding it and it isn't like I'm going to be able to deny what is going on with her for very much longer anyway.

It's an added plus that her eyes go wide and that mouth falls into a perfect shape to fit my cock into it. I sit back down and make sure Ivy doesn't move to get away from me. She isn't going anywhere. Not for a little while. Not after what happened. She's just going to have to get used to me being between her legs for the next couple of days...or longer.

Chapter Seven



I wake up slower than I normally do but then I don't normally have a rock star take over my life. I roll over and remember what room I'm in. He didn't even let me go to the room I picked out. No, he took me to his room. Not that I was putting up much of a fight. I had cried myself out and needed a nap, not to mention the make-out session I had with Wes.

He had a hard-on. I think it was because I was kissing him. I'm going to say it was because of me. Wes didn't put me down until he was laying me down on his bed and demanding that I take a his bed. The only reason I didn't put up a bigger bitch was because he had things to go do and wasn't planning to crawl in the bed with me.

It's going to be so hard to maintain distance from him with him acting like he is. He apparently bought my contract out from Sally so one of Vin's agents could take over. I didn't miss the fact that it was one of the female agents either. He also got the show to let me off for the rest of the day so I could rest. That didn't come easy.

When they started to give him shit about letting me have the day he went on a full-on rock star rant about my safety and threatened to sue everyone involved. Even Vin couldn't keep him from raising hell until the producers finally gave in and told everyone to take the day off. He literally carried me to the car just the way I was when we were sitting on the couch.