Page 9 of Never Say Never

Once inside we talked some about what happened. Well, I tried to talk about what happened and Wes shut me down by telling me he was giving me a gift. A full-time bodyguard - also female. He spun some shit about being the one who had put me in the way of danger and dipshits that couldn't be trusted so he was going to make sure that I was safe. And not just for the time me and him are together. He wants me to take the guard even when this pretend game of ours is all over.

My phone rings again and I go digging for it. I find it tucked up under one of the pillows. It's Ariel.

"Hey girl, are you finally up?"

"How did you know I took a nap?" she's good but she isn't that good at keeping up with me.

"I called earlier and your hunk told me to call back in a few hours that you had a rough day and needed some rest. Which let me tell you, might be the hottest thing Wes Marshel has ever done, letting a woman sleep, that's the sign of true love right there."

"That would be great if it were real but you know this thing isn't." I don't need Ariel pushing for this to be more than what it is. I'm already dangerously close to doing something incredibly stupid - like fall in love with someone I can't have. "Did he happen to tell you what happened?"

"He didn't have to tell me anything. Word on the celeb sites is that you got hurt on set and he went the fuck off on a bunch of people until they gave you time to recover. I was freaked when it popped up in my e-mail." No matter how hard I try to get Ariel to not look at the gossip sites she stays glued to them. "I called and no one answered so I started texting like a madwoman and that's when your man called me back. I mean how many women can say they blew their best friend's phone up and Wes freakin' Marshal calls them back right."

"Ariel," I'm about to launch into why he isn't my man when she goes on to something new.

"Hey, quick question. Is it odd to see the same person pop up everywhere you go?"

"Um, I don't know. You might have to explain that to me, I mean, if it's on campus maybe they just have the same classes as you or something."

"Okay, but what if it's at three different places?" She goes on to tell me what the three places she has seen this guy at are and it does nothing to settle me down. I'm not sure if it is because of what happened today to me or if this is a real problem. It doesn't matter because there is nothing I can do to help her right now so many miles away from her.

I sit up so fast it would normally make my head swimmy but her words have me too focused this time. "What? No that isn't normal at all."

"Okay, but what if the guy is really hot and you kind of want him to be stalking you like that hot character in the romance book we both drooled over for weeks."

"No, A. It still is not cool. No matter how cute you think he is." I'm trying to look for my shorts which I think might be under his bed when the door opens and in walks Wes. He had to wait until my ass was up in the air before deciding to come in, didn't he? I would take the time to worry about him seeing me in nothing but a pair of panties if were I not so worried that my best friend was about to be kidnapped and made to put the lotion on the skin or get the hose again. "This is really something to be worried about, A. I'm serious right now."

Wes mouths to ask if everything is alright and I shake my head. Fear has me by the throat. Ariel is so pretty and she doesn't see it. She is blind to the fact that every boy in school wanted to fuck her and probably still does now that she is in college. "What does this guy look like, A?"

She gives me a description of the guy that is so Ariel it hurts. She tells me his pants have to be specially made because of how big he is. I put her on speaker so I could go looking for my fucking shorts. I'm surprised when Wes pushes his phone in front of my face with a picture of Ariel sitting in the café she goes to so she can people watch.

"How did you get this?"

"She's not going to get hurt. I know who the guy is that she thinks is stalking her."

What the hell is going on? Wes looks like he might actually be blushing. He just completely destroyed a guy not ten hours ago and now he is blushing - what fucking rabbit hole did I fall down?

"Okay so I guess this is confession time," Oh God, that doesn't sound good. "I might have sent someone to your hometown to...find out some stuff."


It is the first thing that goes through my mind but it can't be what I am thinking. It must be because I was going to be staying at his home and interacting with the people he cares about. It must be like a background check on steroids. My look must tell him how I feel about it though because he goes on to try to explain.

"Look I wanted to know where you would run to if you ran away from me."

Surprise must be written all over my face. I have no reply to what he just told me. A part of me is thinking I've crawled into bed with a serial killer while another part of me is feeling really bad for shaming Ariel over thinking it was hot to have a stalker - if he's cute. Because a part of me is oddly turned on by Wes's confession.

"I have to go Vee. I'll call you soon. Love you." Ariel's voice pulls me back to what is going on. I want to tell her she doesn't have to worry but she has already hung up before I can get the words or my thoughts back out of my mouth.

Silence is the only thing in the room for a long while, long enough for me to realize I am still standing here in my underwear and I still haven't found my shorts yet.

"Why don't you go put some pants on or something and then we can talk about things."

"There is nothing to talk about. And I have shorts - somewhere. It's not like I'm running around your house with no clothes on. I just can't find them."

He mumbles something that sounds like 'yet' under his breath but when I straighten up and give him my full attention he has his back to me. I don't understand how to take that one word. Is it a 'yet, give you time you shameless whore' or a 'yet, because one day I might talk you out of your clothes' kind of thing? Damn me and my social awkwardness.

I bend back down to try to find the damn things when warm hands land on my hips. "Let me do it."