I knew what she was thinking. What if the baby was Michael’s? But the truth was, I knew this was a possibility in the unorthodox relationship we wanted with Rachel. Children were something he and I both wanted, and it didn’t matter who fathered them as long as we were all together. “It doesn’t matter who the father is, Rachel. In fact.” I tugged her hand into mine and placed a kiss to her knuckles. “I hope it is his. At least we will still have a part of him here.”
“Don’t say that.” Her voice hitched. “You act as though he’s dead already.”
Inhaling through my nose, I blew out a breath before speaking the words I held off, saying. “You saw the pictures. We've got to prepare ourselves that he might not be coming back to us.” My voice hitched with the words slipping from my tongue.
We hadn't heard anything about his whereabouts and the likelihood Ivanov still had him alive grew smaller and smaller with each passing day.
“Let’s not think about it right now.” I kissed her hand again. “For now, let’s see if you’re pregnant.”
We held onto each other the rest of the way to the store. This was supposed to be a happy moment for us. Regardless of the short time we had been together, I had fallen in love with her. Michael had to. And I suspected she loved him, too. Freddy left us in the car to retrieve what we needed. Rachel clutched the brown paper bag against her chest as we rode home in silence. The walk upstairs felt enormous. Much like Vincenzo and Riley, our beginning was filled with turmoil and loss. In the darkest hours, we had found and then lost love.
Rachel disappeared into the bathroom and when she appeared again—she huffed in frustration as she plopped down on the bed beside me. “We have to wait five minutes.”
“You want me to go grab you something to eat?”
“No. My nerves are too shot to worry about food right now.”
When the five minutes passed, Rachel sat motionless on the bed. “You want me to go look?”
She nodded as she wrung her hands in her lap. I headed into the adjoining bathroom and paused. The tiny white stick sat precariously on the edge of the porcelain counter. I closed my eyes and picked it up. Was my life about to change? Could I be a father despite my heartbreak? Stiffening my back, I opened my eyes and looked down. Two brilliant blue lines stared back at me. My fingers wrapped around the stick, and I palmed it tightly in my hand as I stepped into the bedroom.
Rachel glanced up as a slow grin spread across my face. I unfurled my fingers and held up the results. Her eyes widened with surprise as I the words that would alter our future forever tumbled from my lips.
“You’re Pregnant.”
Two weeks passed, and I still hadn’t fully accepted I was having a baby. Even as I stood there, holding Vincenzo’s daughter, I was in disbelief at where my life had taken me.
“You look good holding a baby.” Riley smiled, staring up at her daughter who was wrapped in a blanket in my arms. “So?”
I knew what she was asking, even without the words. Antonio cut his eyes to her, then over to me, and smirked. “So.” I blew out a breath. “It looks like we will have kids close in age.”
“I knew it!” Riley shouted, causing Robert to startle.
“Knew what?” Vincenzo scooped him up from the cradle set up in the living room and tucked him into the crook of his arm. Robert immediately quieted in the safety of his father's arms.
“She’s pregnant.” Antonio spoke. Until then, he had been silently watching me with the baby.
“Pregnant?” His mother asked, her body perking up from her perch in the chair against the wall. His parents and sisters had arrived a day ago from Italy.
“Yep.” Antonio wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed a kiss to my temple. “We confirmed it the day the twins were born and then saw a doctor yesterday.”
Vincenzo's eyes grew large with the proclamation. “That’s amazing, Brother. When are you due?” He turned his questioning to me.
“I have to ask.” My father pushed his hands into his pockets and bowed his head a little in question. “Do you know who fathered the baby?”
“Father.” Vincenzo growled. “That is of little importance.”
“No. You misunderstand. I know you were in a committed relationship—the three of you. Massimo has explained it all to me. I was only curious if you knew?”
“We don’t.” Antonio held me tighter. “But we did a paternity test to find out.”
“Why?” Riley gasped. “It shouldn’t matter.”