Page 43 of Fatal Love

“Yes. We gave him your middle name. And names after her parents. Massimo, if it weren’t for you, I would have fallen into despair long before Riley came into my life.”

Seeing my brother get emotional wasn't something to which I was accustomed. He was the stoic brother—the one who held it together when the rest of us were falling apart. I tensed when I spotted Donny standing off to the side, watching us closely.

“Donny!” I called out, alerting Massimo to his presence.

“Where’s Catarina?” Vincenzo scanned the waiting room, expecting to see her there with Donny.

“She’s gone.” Donny handed over a folded note to Massimo and sighed. Her disappearance was affecting him just as much.

“What?” Vincenzo watched as Massimo read over the words.

“It says she’s tired of everything and was going somewhere no one would find her. She promises she isn’t in any danger and will come home… eventually.”

“This is bullshit.” Vincenzo snatched the letter from his grasp and clenched it in his fist as he read it himself. “This makes no sense. She promises she’ll be safe from Ivanov where she’s going. Donny?” He turned to my brother's righthand man. "Where is she?”

“I don’t know.” His voice cracked. “And I know you need me here, but—” he hesitated. “—I need to go look for her.”

I couldn’t take my eyes off him. How had we all missed it? Donny was in love with Catarina, and her disappearance was killing him. “You love her?”

He held my gaze and nodded. “I do. And maybe I should have told you all sooner, but she can be stubborn. She refused to let me in, and I fear it was me that pushed her away.”

“Get Drew. He can take your place temporarily. Find my sister, Donny, and bring her home.”

“Congratulations, Vin.” He tipped his head and ducked out of the room.

“He’ll find her.” Massimo shrugged his shoulders as we watched him disappear from the parking lot.

I quirked a brow at Massimo. “You didn’t act surprised about his confession.”

“I’ve known for a long time he was in love with her—probably longer than he's admitted it to himself. Catarina couldn’t ask for a better man. But he’s going to have one hell of a time corralling her.”

“I’m going back to Riley. Once they move us to a permanent room, you can come visit.” We congratulated Vincenzo again and watched as he headed through the double doors. My stomach growled, reminding me I hadn’t eaten in a while. “I think Rachel and I are going to go grab some food.”

“Us too. We’ll come back in a few hours. They deserve some time alone before we bombard their room with visitors.”

Drew took Madison and Massimo home, leaving Freddy to cart us around. Rachel slid into the seat and grasped my hand. “Can we stop by the drugstore on our way home?”

I got the Freddy’s attention. “Freddy?”

“Sure thing, Miss Rachel.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yes… and no.” Rachel pursed her lips as she held my gaze. Her eyes held uncertainty and confusion. “I need to pick up a test.”

“A test?” I shook my head in confusion. “What kind of test?”

“The kind that will confirm my suspicions.”

I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she spoke. The slow realization of what she was implying shook me to the core. “Are you?” I placed my hand on her abdomen as I held my breath.

“Maybe. Yes—” she groaned. “I don’t know.”

Words escaped me, so I did the only thing I could to convey my elation. I threaded my hand through her hair and pulled her mouth to mine. When the kiss broke, she rested her head on mine and whispered the words. “You’re not mad?”

“Mad?” I leaned back to look at her. “Why would I be mad?”

“The timing isn’t exactly the best. And what if I'm carrying…” Her eyes closed, trying to mask the pain she was feeling for her words.