Page 28 of Fatal Love

Catarina’s voice interrupted our conversation. “Antonio, she’s awake.”



The pain was even worse than I remembered. It was a mixture of aches and burns that covered my entire body—but the pain in my feet topped everything. I blinked open my eyes, the bright light causing me to wince. A woman leaned over and shined a tiny pin light into my pupils.

“Antonio.” I listened as she spoke. “She’s awake.”

I turned my head, searching for him in the room. His frame filled my vision as he sat on the bed and pressed his hand to my head.

“Rachel.” He leaned down, his face pressing into my neck as he spoke. “I thought we lost you.”

“I—” I tried to orient myself and sit up, but Michael was there on the other side, easing his hand behind my back.

“Let me help you." Michael’s voice cracked with emotion as he eased me to a sitting position.

“Here.” The woman from earlier shoved a glass of water into his hand. “See if she can drink this. Aside from some scrapes, she is just dehydrated.”

He took the glass and pressed it to my lips. “I got it.”

I wrapped my hand around the cup and swallowed with eagerness. When the glass was completely drained, I glanced at the woman, who was still watching me with concern. “Can I have more?”

She nodded. "I'm Catarina by the way. That oaf's sister." She nodded toward Antonio as she took it from me and turned away. I noticed Massimo Anastasi and his fiancée Madison, who watched from their perch on the couch as Michael and Antonio fawned over me.

“Baby.” Antonio smoothed his palm down my arm. “Can you tell us how you got here or why you left the house?”

I inhaled and blew out a breath. “I was so pissed that you two were keeping things from me. I thought I could find you and confront you guys. But Ivanov must have bugged my phone. How else could he have found me? He threatened the cab driver, coercing him into delivering me to him. Oh my god.” My eyes widened when I thought about the man who let me go. “Is the driver safe?”

“He’s fine. Don’t worry about him. What happened when you realized the driver was taking you to him?” Michael rubbed my leg as though he needed contact to ensure I was real.

“He didn’t want to be involved, but he was scared. I convinced him to let me jump out by promising your protection. I’m sorry, Mr. Anastasi.” I caught Massimo Anastasi watching me closely.

“Please call me Massimo, Rachel. And don’t apologize. You did the smart thing sending him here or we wouldn’t have known to look for you.”

“I figured he would tell you. And then you two would come for me. Only I got lost in the desert. Stupid me thought I knew where I was going.” I laughed nervously. “Obviously, a sense of direction is not something I possess. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could walk. My entire body hurts, and I stumbled so many times.” My head shook the memory of wondering around in the dark. “Then I saw the strip. I knew if I could get to Discoteca, I'd find help.”

“Madison found you outside the back entrance, barely conscious.”

“I remember…” I smiled at the beautiful woman leaned against Massimo. “Thank you.”

“Of course. You’re going to be family, I suspect. Plus, you might be the key to freeing my sister-in-law, Riley.”

“I hope so.” I took the glass Catarina had refilled and drank eagerly. “What now? Apparently, Ivanov knows I’m alive.”

“As soon as Catarina says you can travel, we are getting on a plane to Italy.”

My pulse quickened as his words registered. “No. I can’t leave now. What about the case?”

“It’s temporary. We need to put some distance between you and Ivanov. He wouldn’t dare mess with you there. Please, Rachel. Do this for us.” Antonio tugged my hand into his and pressed his lips to the tender flesh.

“You can go now.” Catarina’s eyes bounced between the three of us. I could see the confusion in her eyes. Her brother was holding my hand, and Michael still had his pressed firmly behind my back. “You’re just scraped up. Once you take a shower, you’ll feel tons better.”

“Thank you, Catarina. For coming so quickly.” Massimo stood and engulfed his sister in a hug. I watched as he whispered something in her ear, causing her eyes to flick to Antonio. I could see the understanding dawning in her eyes as her lips turned up into a smile. He stepped back as he spoke, loud enough for everyone to hear. “I’ll ask Donny to take you home. Ivanov is going to hurt us however he can. That includes you.”

Catarina bristled at his comment and rolled her eyes. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Donny has been protecting you since this shit started. Get over it, Cat. I need you safe right now, okay?”