“Italy. No one would dare touch her there. It worked for Madison—it could work for her.” Michael nodded in understanding.
He didn’t want her in danger any more than I did. Ivanov proved he was watching her, even in a place as secure as his. We pulled into the alley and parked his car. We keyed the code and let ourselves inside. The steady thump of music filled the hallway as the lights of the club ricocheted off the walls. Carlisle tipped his head as we passed the bar and headed towards Massimo’s private elevator. The ride up to his apartment felt like an eternity.
But as soon as the doors parted, Madison greeted Michael and me.
“Hey.” She wrapped her arms around my waist, halting me in place. I hugged her back, my eyes scanning the room for our girl. “She’s still asleep. Catarina is on her way here to check her out.”
I stepped out of her hold and moved to the bed. Rachel was unconscious on their bed. Her blonde hair was matted and stained with a layer of dirt. But seeing her flawless skin marked with cuts and bruises, I couldn’t stifle my gasp. Her clothes were tattered with rips, barely covering her body. My fury boiled when my eyes landed on her feet. She was missing a shoe and the bare foot was red and swollen covered in dried blood.
“Motherfucker.” I ran my hand down her arm and whispered her name. “Rachel? Honey, can you hear me?”
Nothing. Not even a whimper escaped her lips. I glanced at Michael, who had stepped beside me and rested his palm against my shoulder.
He wore the same pained expression as me. “Where the fuck is Catarina?”
“Calm down. She’s coming and for now, Rachel's safe.” Michael squeezed my hand, lacing our palms together.
“Antonio?” Massimo stood at the foot of the bed with his eyes riveted to our entwined fingers.
I could read the confusion in his gaze. Neither of us had told him about the relationship we were forming with each other—much less the one with Rachel.
“Massimo, I need to tell you some things. But right now, I need her to be okay.” My eyes closed as I drew in a deep breath.
“I hear you, Fratello. Just answer me this—" He glanced to her still form. "Is she more than someone you’re just protecting?”
The sound of Catarina’s voice filled the room. “Is there some reason you keep yanking me from work?” She stormed into the room and huffed when she saw Rachel’s. “What the fuck?” She pushed past Michael and shoved at my shoulder. “Move. Jesus Christ… why can't you people do anything like normal folks.”
I stepped back, watching as my sister tended to the woman I loved. Michael wrapped his arm around my shoulder and stood with his eyes trained on Rachel.
“I’m going to take her to Italy.” I spoke the words aloud, my sight never wavering from her still form.
“That’s probably a good idea.” Massimo cleared his throat. “Let Catarina work. We need to talk.”
Michael guided me to the living room, where we sat down. Massimo seemed intrigued by the tenderness Michael was showing me. Normally I'd pull away from him, but that was in the past. Right now, I needed him almost as much as he needed me. When my gaze met that of my brothers, I was shocked to find curiosity there. I'd expected disgust or anger, but his tender expression held neither.
“So.” He blew out a breath. “You and the prosecutor.”
“I'm falling in love with her—no I am in love with her. It's stupid of me to lie to you about that… but.” I swallowed my nerves down. “There’s more.” I glanced at Michael, seeking his silent approval. When he nodded and his fingers tightened around my own, I turned back to my brother. “I love Michael.”
Massimo leaned back in the seat and crossed his leg over his knee. Madison sat down beside him and pressed her hand to his thigh. I felt like we were waiting for a bomb to go off and the longer it took him to speak, the more nervous I got.
“That makes more sense.” Massimo sighed. “Antonio.” He draped his arm over Madison’s shoulder and toyed with her hair. “I’ve suspected you were gay for a long time—but I wanted you to tell me and not me confront you. What I wasn’t prepared for was the possibility you were bi-sexual. Regardless,” he blew out a breath. “I love you. Was this the secret you refused to tell me?” He turned to Michael and pinned him with a glare.
“Yes.” He laced his fingers with mine. “I wanted Antonio to be the one to tell you.”
Massimo held his gaze. “And do you love him?”
“I do. And Rachel, too. It’s still new, but we've all come to the realization life it too short to live by anyone else's standards.”
“All right then.” Massimo smiled. “This changes things. I’ll call the plane. Once Catarina clears her to fly, you and Rachel will leave for Italy.”
I furrowed my brow, glancing at the first most important person in my life. “What about Michael?”
“I need to stay here." Michael squeezed my hand in his. "Riley needs me in case something happens. The Feds have turned their focus to Ivanov, but that doesn’t mean they’ll forget about her case. They're determined to make an example out of her—out of your family.”
“He’s right, Antonio. He'll be protected—would have been no matter what, but not that he's family we'll see nothing happens to him. He's not just our attorney anymore.” Massimo tried to comfort my worry.
I didn’t like it, but he was right. This whole mess was about more than Rachel. It was about saving my family—and he was a key part of that happening.