“It reminded me of my mother,” she said again, her arms tightening further. It was like she was trying to become one with my body—trying to hide away in my arms.

“Listen.” I tugged her back, forcing her to look at my face. “That woman was Krissy Holder.”

“No… I know.” She pushed off my lap and stood.

“What is it, Madison?” I pushed to my feet quickly, dusting off my pants, and grabbed her hand. “I want to help you, but you have to let me in.” I pulled her against my chest, holding her flush to my body.

“I want to go home.” She started crying again. “Please, Massimo. I don’t want to be here.”

“Home?” My gut churned.

This was it.

This was the moment sheleftme.

“Yes, take me upstairs, please. I can’t be down here right now.” She cried harder, gripping my shirt in her fists.

I blew out a sigh of relief. “You want to go to my apartment?”

“Yes, home. Please,” she mumbled against my shirt, her tears soaking the material.

I lifted her off the ground, and she wrapped her legs around my waist and buried her head in my shoulder. I held her tight as I unlocked the door and swung it open. Drew stood on the other side.

“Sir,” He gave me a sympathetic nod.

“Drew, I’m taking Madison home. Please let everyone know I’ll have my phone. Call me as soon as this is taken care of.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He followed me to the elevators and ensured we got on without anyone stopping us. Madison never budged, clinging to me as if her life depended on it. Once inside the apartment, I carried her straight to the restroom and set her down on the bench.

“Baby.” I lifted her chin. Her face was swollen and red from crying. Tears still fell helplessly, staining her cheeks further. “I’m going to start a bath. I’m only going to grab some towels and bath stuff.”

She sat stone still as I moved around the room. Turning the water on, I dumped in some bath oils, then dimmed the lights. Taking care of her was my number one priority right now. The world outside could go fuck itself.



I feltlike a bystander in my body as I watched Massimo deposit me on the bench. He lifted my chin.

“Bella, I’m going to start a bath. I’m only going to grab some towels and bath stuff.”

My eyes tracked him as he moved around the room, gathering stuff. I watched as he turned the water on and dumped something into the tub. He squatted in front of me and brushed my hair back from my face again. I knew I must’ve looked like a maniac. I’d been crying long enough to induce swelling under my eyes.

“I’m going to undress you now, okay?” He ran his hand down my arm. “Madison, do you understand?” Forcing a nod, I allowed Massimo to pull me to my feet. “You good?” He eyed me as he slid his fingers beneath the hem of my dress. “I hate that I didn’t get to see you in the sexy dress.” He brushed his thumb across my thigh as he drew the material up my legs and over my hips. His hands paused at my waist, his eyes searching mine. “Still with me?”

I nodded once, holding his gaze. Massimo tugged higher, forcing me to raise my arms so he could slip it over my head. Tossing it to the floor, he ran the back of his hand across my stomach, causing my skin to prickle with goosebumps.

“I’m going to take this off.” He fingered my strapless bra as he released the snaps. “Almost done.” He discarded the lace on the floor and moved his hands to my hips. His thumbs hooked the elastic of my thong, pushing it slowly to the ground. “Lift your foot,” he whispered, pulling it off one leg at a time. Finally, I was standing completely nude in front of him.

“God, you’re beautiful.” He looked me over. “Let’s get you in the tub, yeah?” Gripping my arm, he guided me to the edge. His fingers laced with mine as he helped me into the warm water and sink down until I was sitting. “Take your time, Bella.” He ambled to the door.

“Wait,” I called out, halting his movement. “Don’t leave me.” My eyes pleaded. I was too afraid to be alone—afraid another memory would hit me and send me spiraling.

“You want me to stay?” Massimo tilted his head, waiting for me to speak.
