Freddy didn’t ask any more questions. He could sense my anger and sped up the car. Madison found the dead girl—someone she knew, someone she worked with. This was a fucked-up situation.
My girl was in shock, and I wasn’t there to help her. My own selfish needs started bubbling inside me. This was going to make her leave me. I just knew it. She was already on the fence about being with me, but knowing death was going to be around me like this, she’d surely run.
“Fuck.” I slammed my hands into the back of the seat.
Freddy glanced up from the rattling of his seat. “Sir?”
“I’m sorry, Freddy, it’s just… Madison is the one who found the girl. I’m being selfish right now because this will make her leave me.”
“She won’t leave you.” Freddy grinned. “I’m sure she’s strong enough to handle this with you by her side. She doesn’t strike me as the type who will tuck tail and run. I imagine she’s in shock because she’s probably never seen a dead person.”
Thinking about his words, I nodded. “I hope you're right because if she leaves, I will burn down this town to bring her back.”
The car barely stopped before I jumped out. Oscar, my guy at the front, opened the door when he saw me coming. I barreled inside, sliding to a stop at the bar. Carlisle had cleared out the club, closing it down to handle the problem.
“Boss,” Donny greeted me. “It’s looking like the Sureños could be involved.”
I nodded, but wasn’t really listening to him. My sole focus was on finding Madison.
“Where is she?” I pushed around Donny.
“Benito and Branson are moving the body now.” Donny rubbed the back of his neck.
“Not her! Where. Is. Madison?” I pushed around him, searching the empty space.
“Your office.”
I tore around the bar and pushed open the door. Carlisle jumped to his feet, ready to protect Madison.
“Sir.” He relaxed, seeing it was only me. “I’ll leave you with her.” He nodded to the couch where Madison was wrapped up in herself, rocking. “She’s been asking for you since she saw, well… you know.”
“Thank you for taking care of her.” I rested my hand on his shoulder. “Let Donny know he’s in charge for now. And Carlisle,” I glanced at him. “I’m sorry about Krissy.”
Carlisle nodded as he walked out, leaving me alone with Madison. I shut the door and locked it, ensuring our privacy. Looking at her fragile state broke my heart. Crouching down in front of her, I brushed her hair back with my hand.
“Madison,” I cupped her cheek, “Baby… can you hear me?”
Her eyes were glazed over as she stared through me. She was trapped in her own head. I’d seen this before with one of my guys, Alec. He suffered from PTSD from his time spent in the Marines. He told me it was like his brain shut down, blocking out the trigger that set him off.
“Bella,” I tried again, this time placing my hand on her leg. She flinched beneath my touch, her eyes swinging down to stare at my hand.
Slowly raising her eyes back to mine, she blinked.
“Yeah, Bella. It’s me.”
She leaped into my arms, knocking me onto my ass on the floor. Her arms and legs wrapped around me, clinging to my body in a vise grip. I rubbed her back as I rocked her.
“It’s okay. I got you.”
“Massimo,” she whimpered my name. “That girl… she’s… she’s…”
“I know. It’s going to be alright, Madison. I’m here now. You’re safe.”
“Her eyes… my mother…” She hiccuped, a sob breaking free. She wasn’t making any sense as she spoke through her tears.
“What do you mean, your mother? Baby?” I twined my fingers through her hair. “You’re not making sense.”