“I’ll take her to Massimo’s office.”

Hearing his name made me look up at Carlisle. “Massimo?” I whispered, as my body shook.

“Yea, baby doll, we’re going to take you to his office, okay?”

“Massimo,” I said again, my brain stuck on repeat.

“Did you call him?” Carlisle murmured somewhere in the room.

“He just landed. He’s on his way.”

Strong arms lifted me off the couch. “I got you, Sweetheart. Massimo will be here soon.” I think Carlisle was the one who spoke, but my mind was a foggy mess. “The victim… she’s one of ours.”

“Yeah, we’re pulling the tapes to see what happened.”

“Let me know.”

I was suddenly moving, still clutched against Carlisle’s strong chest. I closed my eyes and leaned into his hold, my body shaking from shock. I couldn’t control my tears or speak. When Carlisle set me down on the sofa in Massimo’s office, I drew my knees to my chest and began rocking. All I could see was Krissy’s lifeless eyes staring back at mine as they morphed into my mother’s dead eyes.



I barely madeit onto the runway when Donny called me. A dead woman was found in Fantasia. He didn’t have many details because he’d just arrived there himself.


I scrubbed my palm over my stubble.

“Freddy, do whatever you need to do to get me back to Discoteca fast.”

“You got it, Sir.”

Pulling my phone out, I called Donny back. “I’m in the car. What do you know?”

“Not much other than she requested a specific bottle of wine.” Donny sighed, “Darcie said a regular reserved that room, a Domme by the name of Allison Stanley. She changes out her submissive pretty frequently, and tonight, she was scheduled to break in a new one.”

“Did she not check him in with the staff?” While you had to have a membership to partake in the club, one of the perks was being allowed to bring a guest if they were your submissive. I knew the woman he was talking about, as she was there most nights. Ms. Stanley liked to change her submissive weekly, not caring if they were male or female.

“No. There is no record of who was with her tonight or where she is now. Her last submissive moved to Phoenix.”


“There’s something else.” Donny took a deep breath. “Madison is the one who found Krissy.”

“What thefuck, Donny?” I screamed into the phone, making Freddy glance in the rearview mirror. “Why was she in Fantasia?”

“Delivering the bottle of champagne from downstairs. Boss, she hasn’t talked. Other than screaming initially, she’s only mumbled your name. I think she’s in shock.”

“Where is she?”

“Carlisle is with her.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I hung up and tossed my phone onto the seat next to me.

“Everything alright, Sir?”
