I’d never feltthe urge to put a bullet in a man’s head quite like I did the moment I stepped into the private room. When I arrived back to Discoteca, I was pissed to learn Carlisle put Madison in the back to serve the D.A. and his cronies on her first night.
I wasn’t mad because she was back there.
I was mad because I knew what went on with some of the groups—the District Attorney being the worst of them. They all thought they were above the law and did what they pleased. A few of my girls didn’t mind the extra attention because it resulted in extra tips, but I knew Madison wasn’t like them.
Pissed off, I rushed down the hallway. Two of my security guys followed me, worried something was wrong. When I pushed open the door and saw Chris Patterson’s hands on her, I nearly lost my shit. To my surprise, Madison handed him his ass and flipped him to the floor.
“What thefuckis going on?”
The room stilled as all eyes found me seething in the entry. I’m sure I looked like the devil ready to collect souls. It wouldn’t have surprised me if fire spewed from my ears.
“Oh…” Madison scurried off the floor to her feet. “I was just showing the Assistant D.A. some of my self-defense moves.”
What? I blanched. She’d just lied about the moron trying to assault her. Closing the space between us, I pulled her hand into mine and tucked her behind me.
“Mr. Patterson, you can see yourself out.”
“Wait a minute, Anastasi.” Mike Donovan, the D.A., walked between us. “You can’t just kick him out. He’s here with me. Plus, you heard the girl. She was just showing him self-defense stuff.”
I got inches from his face. “I saw everything. I don’t know why she’s lying for him but consider it a gift. If she’d said anything different, he’d be dead.” Madison gasped, her hand tightening on mine. “Party is over. Get your people out of here and take him home. And Donovan.” I gritted out his last name. “Don’t ever bring him back.”
“You’re making a mistake, Anastasi. You sure you want to go up against me?”
“You don’t scare me. What would the higher-ups or this community think if I showed them some footage from Fantasia?” His eyes widened in shock. “That’s right Donovan. I record everything in this place.Everything.”
His face paled. “What the fuck? You threatening me?”
“Take it as you will. All I know is I walked in on your guy,”—I pointed at Chris—“trying to force himself onmygirl. People have died for less.”
I turned, dragging her from the room. Ripping open the door to the emergency exit, I pulled her into the stairwell.
“Massimo, please…” She jerked her hand, trying to slow me down. I could tell her heels were making it difficult to climb the stairs, moving at my pace.
Turning, I grabbed her by the hips and tossed her over my shoulder. Madison’s head hung down my back, placing her ass right beside my cheek.
“What the fuck? Put me down!” She flailed her legs, trying to get out of my hold. A resounding crack filled the space as my hand connected with her ass. “Ow! You asshole!” I could feel her anger as she struck me on the backside with her fists.
Once we reached the second floor, I set her down. “Wait here.”
I pressed my finger to her lips, so she stopped talking.
“Please. I need to make sure the room is clear so we can cut through to the entrance on the other side.” I could see the confusion in her eyes. “This leads to Fantasia. Privacy is paramount in this room, and you have not yet signed the non-disclosure. I need to grab a blindfold so I can take you to the back stairwell that leads to my apartment.”
“Privacy? What kind of fucking club is Fantasia?”
“I’ll tell you everything once we’re inside my apartment. Can you wait for me?”
“Fine,” she said, crossing her arms over her breasts. “But you’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”
Stepping through the doorway, I hurried to the bar and grabbed the spare keys. I’d have to go into a playroom to find what I needed. I just hoped the one I chose was empty. Slipping the key into the door, I peeked inside. Breathing a sigh of relief, I took the silk blindfold from the table and hurried back to Madison. She was leaning against the wall, waiting.