“I mean,”—I tapped my fingers across the bar—“it’s got to be easier than this crowd, right?”

“Yeah. It’s not the size of the party, it’s who the party is for. It would also mean working a bit later than you planned.”

“Oh.” My eyebrows rose.

“It’s the District Attorney and some of his friends.”

“Wow… really? Does he come here often?”

“Unfortunately, and he can get pretty rowdy.”

“No worries. I can handle it.”

“Alright then. Head back and meet with Julie in room two. The party starts at seven.”

I glanced at the clock behind the bar, realizing it was ten minutes until seven. Turning on my heel, I hurried to the hallway and made my way to the room. I couldn’t believe he trusted me to do this, being it was only my first day. Pushing inside the room, I noticed a difference in the vibe. This space was a bit more luxurious and calmer. I walked inside to find Julie prepping behind the bar. A few men were already inside, seated on a huge sectional. Smiling at Julie, I met her behind the bar.

“Hey, chick… tell me what you need.”

“Just keep the drinks flowing, and they’ll be happy. The man over there,”—Julie pointed to one sitting on the sectional—“Is Mike Donovan, the District Attorney. And the one who hasn’t stopped staring at you is the Assistant District Attorney, Chris Patterson. He can be a creep, so keep your distance.”

I quirked an eye, glancing back at him. “What do you mean, a creep?”

“He tends to be a bit too touchy-feely, if you know what I mean.”

“Oh…” My eyes went wide. “Got it.”

The room filled with people. There was a mixture of men and women sprawled out over the space. Just as Julie suggested, I kept the drinks flowing and their hands filled. My feet were killing me, and by the looks of the crowd, they were just getting started.

Julie was busy mixing some beverages, but kept looking up. I realized she wasn’t looking at me, but the man approaching me as I turned around. Chris Patterson, if I remembered correctly, and by the looks of him, he was already three sheets to the wind.

“Can I get you something, sir?” I stepped back, putting some space between his body and mine.

“I’m thirsty.” He backed me into the wall, pressing his hand beside my head, attempting to cage me in.

“I’ll go grab you something from the bar.” I ducked under his arm, only to have him wrap his arm around my middle and pull me against his front. He pressed his crotch into my ass, making me grunt.

“Please let me go.” I tugged against him, but his grasp only grew tighter.

Julie’s eyes widened with concern. She picked up the phone to call someone, but I shook my head. I didn’t want security to be called on my first night, especially working in a private room, when normally someone new wouldn’t be allowed.

“Look, you need to let me go before this escalates.”

“Baby, I want it to escalate.” He ground his erection into me, causing my dress to ride up my legs.

“I’ll ask you again. Kindly remove your hands from me.”

“Don’t be like that, sweetheart. The other bitches who work up here know what I like.” His alcohol infused breath prickled against my skin.

“I’m not the other girls.”

I glanced at Julie, who still had her hand on the phone, ready to make the call. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and counted. I prayed he would let go, but the harder I tugged, the harder he pressed himself into my rear. I jerked forward, hoping to throw him off balance, but it seemed to fuel him further.

“Oh, you like it rough, do you?”

I vaguely heard the door bang open as I gripped his arm and used his weight as leverage. In doing so, I caught him off guard, knocking him to the floor on his stomach. As he went down, I twisted his arm to his back and shoved my knee into his neck, pinning him to the ground beneath me.

“What thefuckis going on?”