One word held so much meaning, and Massimo understood. He kicked off his shoes, then slowly stripped off each article of clothing. His fingers worked the buttons of his shirt, tossing it to the floor in a heap. His pants came next. He released the snap, eased the zipper down, then shoved them down his muscular legs, taking his boxers with them. He stalked toward me, his eyes never breaking contact.

“Slide forward.”

I scooted up, giving him room to crawl in behind me. His legs stretched out beside mine, cradling me between his thighs, then his arms snaked around my midsection and pulled me against his front. Leaning back, I closed my eyes as I rested my head on his chest. The warmth of the water and the sense of security I felt in his arms eased my tension.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“For what?” Massimo grabbed the bath poof and poured body wash onto it, then began washing me with a tenderness that made my heart thump against my chest.

“Freaking out.”

“Don’t apologize. Many people react that way the first time they see a dead person they don’t know, and you knew her. Your reaction is normal.”

“It wasn’t my first time.” My voice cracked.

Massimo’s body stiffened beneath me, and his hand stilled against my skin.

“What do you mean?”

I took a deep breath, mustering the courage to tell him about my past—a past I’d spent so many years trying to bury until it all came rushing back tonight.

“I was nine when my mother died. We were home alone because my dad was still at work. I remember we were playing a board game in my room when we heard the crash. My mother stood up and ushered me into my closet to hide. We lived in one of those houses that had doors with slats on the closets. You know the kind I’m talking about?” I paused, gathering my wits, then continued. “She put me inside and told me not to make any noises, no matter what I saw or heard. I didn’t understand what was happening. I was just a kid. My mom covered me with a blanket, then kissed me before she shut the doors and went to call the police. I didn’t understand why she didn’t hide with me. If she had, maybe she’d still be alive.”

Massimo squeezed my leg, brushing my skin beneath the water. I covered his hand with mine, lacing our fingers together.

“What happened?” He kissed my neck as his other hand rested against my hip and held me firmly.

“I watched as she picked up the phone to call 9-1-1, but two men came into the room. I couldn’t see their faces, but I could hear them. They demanded to know if there was anyone else there with her. I heard her tell them she was alone, and that we had nothing for them. She begged them to leave… to spare her. One of the men slapped her, then…” I closed my eyes, remembering the moment my life changed forever. “He pointed his gun at her head and pulled the trigger.

“I shoved the blanket into my mouth, stifling the scream that was trying to escape my body. They ransacked the dresser, getting a few hundred dollars in jewelry before sirens sounded in the distance. I remember the blood and the way her eyes stared at me from the floor. I stayed in the corner of the closet for what felt like hours, just holding the gaze of my dead mother. My father got home as the police arrived. His screams haunted me for months. It wasn’t until he regained his senses that he looked for me.”

“My God, Baby. To be so young and to see something like that. No wonder this has you so shaken up. I’m so sorry you had to see that. Are you and your dad close now?”

“Funny thing is, you’d think a child would only live through one tragedy in their life, and maybe that’s true for most, but I wasn’t that fortunate. My dad fell into a deep depression and started drinking. One minute he was the only thing I had left, then just like that, he was gone. He killed himself and a family when he drove home drunk one night. By ten years old, I’d buried my mother and my father.

“Massimo,” I turned to face him in the tub. “I’m a nobody. I grew up in the system, bounced from home to home. It wasn’t until my senior year that I realized I could control my fate. With the help of my teacher, Mrs. Dobbs, I got into college and finally saw something good in my life. You deserve someone who doesn’t have all this baggage. Someone who matches your worth.”

“Can’t you see I don’t care about your past?” Massimo cupped my face with his hands. “Fuck, look at mine, Bella. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. Your worth is more than you realize. In fact, it’s me who’s not worthy of you. My heart was black before you. Madison, you’re the air I breathe. I’ve fallen in love with you.” He pressed a quick kiss to my lips. “I know it’s probably too fast for you, but know this… I’ll wait a lifetime for you to feel the same. Until then, let me guard your heart and be your shield in this world.”



My thumb swipeda lone tear rolling down her cheek. Her breathing hitched when I confessed my love for her. I meant it, every word. I would burn this world down to protect her.

“You love me?” she whispered, her hands gripping my shoulders.

I smiled. “So much it scares me.”

It was true. What I felt for her scared the shit out of me. She didn’t know how much power she had over me. If she ever walked away, I’d cease to exist. I rested my forehead on hers and wrapped my arms around her back. She shifted in the tub and straddled me in the water.

Her breasts pressed against my chest, her pert nipples poking into my skin. She moved, causing her center to rub against my cock.

“Madison.” I groaned. “As much as I love holding you like this… you need to stop moving or I won’t be able to control myself.”

Her eyes held mine, twinkling with something wicked. She adjusted her legs again, bending them so she was on her knees.

“I need to forget tonight. Give me a better memory.” She pressed her lips to mine as her hands trailed down my chest.