This time I give him the bored look.

“Okay,” he adds. “I didn’t try very hard, but I tried a little bit.”

“I don’t know her well enough to love her, but I want her. I don’t think I have ever wanted to fight with a woman just to have her end up under me so I can take my frustrations out on her pussy more in my life.”

“Yeah, she is good at inspiring hate fucking.” Eros nods, taking a sip of his beer. “You know, when I asked her why she was still a virgin, I expected her to tell me it was none of my business, something sarcastic or even a non-answer. Do you know what she said?”

“She slapped you across the face and told you it’s because all men are disappointments,” I say, watching a butterfly land on some of the red flowers she had planted.

“No, well, kind of, but without the hit.” Eros takes a deep breath. “She told me she heard all the stories from women about not having their needs met, and how every woman wished that sometimes their lovers were different. That if they had a man who was kind and tender, they just wanted to be railed into next week, making them feel like they are desired and their man can’t control themselves around her. If they had a man who fucked them hard, they wanted one who could make soft, gentle love to them and make them feel cherished and loved. She said that she never wanted to choose. She has no interest in picking one man to fuck for the rest of her life. She said the men she has dated would never be okay with the idea of sharing her. Instead, they treated her like they owned her or had some exclusive rights to her body. Athena would never settle for one man, so she decided she wouldn’t have any.”

“Okay, then she had sex with you because…”

“She was dealing with intense emotions and decided to self-medicate with my dick.”

I spit out the beer that was in my mouth and started choking.

“You okay there buddy?” Eros pats my back while I try to regain my composure and the ability to breathe.

“Really?” I ask after I take a full breath. “That’s how you phrase that?”

“No, that is how she phrased that. At first, I felt a little used, but then I figured that just means I have a medical-grade dick.”

“Jesus Christ.” I laugh. “What the fuck am I going to do with you?”

“I’m hoping that you and I and the others are going to sort this shit with Paris out, whatever that means. Then we will pull Athena into our family and let her use all of us for our FDA-certified dicks and cuddles. I really enjoy cuddling her. It’s weird. I never liked that before. It always felt all gross and clingy, but now I am like fuck yes, give me the soft fuzzy blankets and all the pillows and my girl and I will cuddle her so hard.”

“I can’t with you right now, man.” The laughter makes me feel lighter than I have in a long time. It’s kind of nice, if I am being honest, but it doesn’t change the fact that some really awful shit had gone down, and I have this hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach that it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.




The second the others leave, Athena gets to work, and puts me to work, too. Ellen is back on her rocker, and Athena kneels at her feet. “Hey Ellen, when was the last time you had a proper bath with warm water and bubbles?”

“It has been some time,” the old lady answers and smiles wistfully. “I used to adore baths, but our hot water doesn’t work, so I’m afraid it is a luxury I can’t afford at the moment.”

“I can restore power to the hot water heater,” I offer. “See if I can get it working.”

“Thank you, young man,” the old woman says.

I leave them to go fix it, and as I thought, the heater is a little old, a little rusty, but works okay as soon as I turn the power on. I go back up to tell them to give it a little bit of time and it should be fine. But when I get to the door, I hear the two women talking.

“How long have you been up here all by yourself?” Athena asks.

“Oh, not long,” Ellen answers. “My son was here yesterday, I think. He brought my new prescription and said the bills were paid for a while, but he had to go back to the cabin in the woods. He said he would be home in a week. As long as I didn’t have another episode, I would be good.”