“That helps us, how exactly?” Eros asks. I know he is tired and frustrated like I am, but the attitude is still not appreciated.

“It means I can make sure the staff here keep getting paid and we can hire someone else to figure this shit out. Someone far more versed in forensic accounting than we are. Our guy Max should have been on this, and we’re going to get his ass out here to fix this shit.”

“Thank fuck!” Eros shouts, closing his computer, too.

He is silent for a moment, but the way he is chewing his bottom lip tells me he wants to say something. He is just looking for the words. So I sit and wait for it.

“Do you think Paris…”

“You were pretty sure of it last night,” I point out, and he slams his hand on the table a few times.

“I was positive. I just knew it was him, but after seeing his eyes when I accused him of that… and after talking to Athena about all of it… I wasn’t so sure. But this…”

“I know.” I do.

I know exactly how that conflicting emotion in your gut feels. I have it every single time I look at Athena. I want her. I want to trust her, and I want to bring her in. And so does Heph. He even admitted last night as we kissed in the shower that he wasn’t sure if he was willing to give up women completely either. He, like me, doesn’t want to choose, and I see no reason we should. I just don’t know if I can let her in fully, no matter how much a part of me wants to.

Hopefully, spending time with her this afternoon has helped them get a little closer. There is still the whole matter of the inheritance between us, but that is a problem for later.

“Do you know someone we can hire?” Eros asks as he gets up to grab a drink from the fridge. He holds up a bottle of water, asking if I want one, too.

“Yeah,” I answer both questions at once. I catch the bottle in midair and take a long drink. “The lawyer that Freya used mentioned having an accountant brother-in-law. I figured I would reach out to him first.”

“Good deal. Make the call, then come out and join me on the patio.”

“Okay.” He walks off, and I make the calls.

I leave a message for Max to get his ass out here. I want to know where my fucking money has gone. Heads are going to roll, and I’ll start with my accountant who dropped the ball if I have to.

Before heading out to sit on the patio with Eros, I send Heph a message.

Perseus: Everything good there?

Heph: Yeah, we are good. The meds really help, but we don’t have a location for Paris yet. Athena is making calls to find an available place for Ellen to stay. It’s a good thing she thinks Athena is her to be daughter-in-law. Which is weird as fuck, but coming in handy at the moment.

Perseus: That is weird.

Heph: How about you guys, any luck?

What he means is if there is any proof. Heph, like me, does not want this to be all on Paris. Even the thought of that level of betrayal guts us both.

Perseus: Nothing yet either way. I have a professional looking at the accounts now. I’ll keep you updated.

Heph: Okay. Keep me posted.

Perseus: You too. I’ll see you tonight. My bed again or yours?

I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

Heph: My bed, but your ass.

I bite back a laugh as I type.

Perseus: Deal, but only after I get your mouth.

I put away my phone, grab two beers from the fridge, and go to meet Eros on the porch.

“So are we going to talk about it?” he asks, looking out over the back gardens.

“Talk about what?” I sit next to him and hand him one beer. We twist off the tops and flick them into the nearby garbage can before settling to look over the backyard. I hate to admit it, but since Athena took over the house and instructing the staff, this place looks stunning. It looks like something out of a fairy tale.

“How you’re going to make me pay for last night. How we both love the same girl, or how you and Heph finally fucked last night? Your pick.”

“How do you know Heph and I fucked?”

“I didn’t until just now.” He looks over at me with a huge grin. Cocky bastard. I answered the only one I knew wasn’t a minefield.

“I’m not in love with Athena.”

He glances over at me and gives me a bored expression. “If you are not already in love with her, then you are well on your way. It’s hard not to fall for a woman like that. I did try…”