“That’s because there’s nothing to tell you.”

Aunt Melanie thinks I’m talking about my father’s condition, and I am. But deep down, I mean everything else the family has been keeping from me.

“Ava, do you want his doctors focused on him? Or do you want them focused on you?”

I let out a sigh. “I’m not trying to be self-absorbed, Aunt Melanie.”

“I know that, dear. And I know you’re in a horribly difficult situation. We’re all worried about Ryan right now. Just know that he’s getting the best care possible, and when the doctors have something to say, they will come out and let you know.”

“I know that. It’s just all so frustrating.”

“I know it is, honey. Let’s just concentrate on your dad right now. None of the rest of this stuff matters at this moment.”

“I know.”

“And Ava,” she says, her tone loving but firm, “you’re mentally healthy. You just have a little anxiety right now. It’s perfectly normal given the circumstances. I don’t want you questioning your mental health.”

“But my grandmother.”

“Look at your aunt, at your uncles. They’re all fine. All their children are fine. No one inherited your grandmother’s mental illness.”

My heart has slowed down. A little. “All right. Thank you for saying that.”

“Are you going to be okay? Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?”

“Are you still at Uncle Talon’s?”

“Yes. All the guests have gone home, but the family is waiting here to hear about Ryan.”

“Is anyone coming to the hospital?”

“I just spoke to Ruby on her cell phone.”

“You spoke to my mom? And there’s no news about my dad?”

“Not yet, sweetheart. But she did tell us that she wants us to stay here in Snow Creek. At least until we know more.”

“All right. Just as well. There’s nothing any of us can do anyway.”

“You can pray. You can send positive thoughts. You can try to be optimistic, Ava. That’s the best thing you can do for your father and for yourself right now.”

Still, that tower card pulses in my mind.

“I’ll try, Aunt Melanie.”

“Do I need to pull a Yoda on you?”

I can’t help an eye roll. “Don’t tell me you’re a Star Wars geek too.”

“Of course not. I leave that to Brock and Dave. But Yoda did say something that is worthy of repeating. He said, ‘Do or do not. There is no try.’”

“Yeah? Well, he’s a Muppet.”

Aunt Melanie laughs. “True. But he’s a very wise Muppet.”

“So you’re saying I shouldn’t try to be optimistic. I should just be optimistic.”

“That’s what I’m saying, Ava. And you knew that the whole time, didn’t you?”

I sigh again. “I did.”

“All right. As I said, I promise you there’s nothing wrong with your mental health other than a little anxiety, which is totally understandable. Just remember, when you feel like you can’t handle things, those three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth will do a lot of good. If you need more than that, a brisk walk will help. We’re all in your corner, Ava. We’re all in your father’s corner.”

“I know. Thank you, Aunt Melanie.”

After ending the call, I consider Aunt Melanie’s words.

Look at your aunt, at your uncles. They’re all fine. All their children are fine. No one inherited your grandmother’s mental illness.

And I realize…

She mentioned Uncle Joe, Uncle Talon, Aunt Marjorie…

She didn’t mention my father.

Chapter Twelve


I rise when Ava returns.

She walks into my arms and murmurs, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I kiss the top of her head. “I understand. You’re just worried.”

She nods against my chest.

“No one’s been out to talk to us yet, and Gina went to get a Coke. I guess we just wait—”

She looks up. “What?”

I gesture toward the door. “Here comes your mom.”

“Oh, God,” she says.

“She doesn’t look too bad. Let’s just hear her out. If it were something really bad, a doctor would come out.”

Ruby comes toward us, a bit haggard and pale, but she’s not crying. “Where’s your sister?” she asks Ava.

“She’ll be back in a minute. How’s Dad?”

Ruby lets out a heavy sigh and hugs Ava. “He’s going to be fine.”

“Was it his heart? A stroke?”

“Neither. They suspected a mild heart attack, but they couldn’t find any blockage or any cardiac damage. His heart rhythm is good now, and his EKG is perfect.”

“Then what was it?”

“The doctor thinks it was a panic attack.”

“A panic attack?” Ava gasps, her eyes wide. “Dad doesn’t get panic attacks.”

“That’s what I told the doctors. He’s never had one before. At least not as long as I’ve known him.”

“Panic attacks are common,” I offer. “My mother has had a few.”

“I know they’re common,” Ruby says. “Just a first for Ryan.”

“A panic attack in the middle of his anniversary party?” Ava shakes her head.

“Yes. Your father doesn’t have great timing, does he?” From Ruby.

Gina returns to the waiting area, holding a bottle of Diet Coke. “Mom! Is Dad okay?”