Ruby nods, hugging Gina and then Ava once more. “Yes, he’s going to be fine.”

“Oh, thank God!” Gina bursts into tears.

Ruby kisses her daughter’s forehead. “Just like you. You never cry until it’s good news.”

“I just… I couldn’t…” Gina sniffles.

“We’re all happy that he’s going to be fine.”

But there’s an edge to Ruby’s voice. An edge that perhaps only I hear.

And I get the feeling that she’s not sure everything’s going to be fine.

“Will we be taking him home?” I ask.

“Not until tomorrow,” Ruby says. “They’ve given him some medication, and they want to keep an eye on him for the night, make sure there’s nothing they missed.”

“Would they do that for just anyone?” Ava asks. “Or is it because he’s a Steel?”

Ruby sighs. “Does it really matter, Ava? Your father’s getting the best care.”

Part of me expects Ava to fight her mother, but instead she says, “That’s all I want. For him to get the best care.”

“He is. This is the best hospital in Grand Junction, and it’s one of the best in the nation. So he’s in good hands.”

“What should we do?” Gina asks. “We all came in the truck.”

“You all can go on home,” Ruby says. “Uncle Talon and Uncle Joe will come pick Dad and me up in the morning.”

“Are you sure we should go?” Gina asks.

“I’m sure. If you want, you can get a room at the Carlton, but your dad isn’t in any danger, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be sleeping in your own beds.”

“If you’re sure,” Ava says.

“I’m sure.”

“Can we at least see Dad?” Gina asks.

Ruby bites her lip lightly. “He’s a little out of it right now. But yeah, if you’d like to see him. I’m sure he’d like to see you both. I got permission to bring you back, but only for a minute.”

Ava and Gina go with their mother back into the ER, while I stay in the waiting area.

A panic attack.

Ryan Steel had a panic attack at his anniversary party.

Ryan Steel, who’s never had a panic attack in his life.

Whatever they’re keeping from Ava has got to be the source.

And I swear to God, I will make sure it does not harm Ava in any way.

Chapter Thirteen


My handsome father is pale, and he’s wearing a green-and-white hospital gown. His eyes are closed, and an IV is attached to his left hand. Why an IV? He must be dehydrated.

Mom kisses his forehead. “Ryan, the girls want to see you.”

He opens his eyes and smiles—sort of. “Hey. How are my lovelies?”

“Scared to death,” Gina says.

“I’m so sorry.” Dad clears his throat. “I’m pretty embarrassed about the whole thing.”

“Don’t be embarrassed,” I say. “We’re just glad you’re okay.”

“I’m better than okay at the moment.” He gives a goofy grin. “They’ve pumped me full of something that’s got me feeling pretty good.”

“Good. Not that I want to see my father stoned, but…” I chuckle.

Dad’s eyes are heavy lidded, and a yawn splits his face. “I’m not sure I’ve ever been this stoned.”

Gina jumps on that. “You mean you’ve been stoned?”

“Of course not,” Mom says.

Dad just chuckles.

“Is there anything we can do for you, Dad?” I ask.

“Just let it go,” he says. “Let it all go.”

“Let what go?” Gina asks.

“Ryan, the drugs are talking.” Mom smooths Dad’s hair.

“I just don’t understand it, Ruby. Why this? Why now?” Dad furrows his brow but doesn’t go rigid. Probably the drugs. Just a second ago he wanted to let everything go.


“Whatever is bothering you, Daddy, just forget about it,” Gina says. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Right. It doesn’t matter,” I echo.

And still the tower pulses in my brain.

The tower.

The fucking tower.

“Girls, your father needs his rest,” Mom says.

“Okay.” I squeeze Dad’s right hand. “I’m so glad you’re going to be okay.”

“Me too, Daddy.” Gina kisses the top of his head.

“Let us know if you need anything, Mom,” I say.

“I will. I don’t want you girls to worry. Dad is fine, and we’ll be home tomorrow.”

“Let it go…” From Dad, his eyes now closed. “Just let it all go…”

I give my mom a quick hug, and I feel like…

I don’t know what I feel.

Like she’s holding something back in her hug, which doesn’t make sense. My mother’s a very loving mother.

Gina hugs her, and then the two of us walk back out to the waiting area where Brendan is.

“Everything okay?” he asks.

“Yeah,” Gina says.

I simply nod.

Because everything is not okay.

I’m trying to push that to the side and concentrate on what really matters, which is my father’s health. He’s not in danger.

But my strong and robust father, who has no history of panic attacks, had his first at his twenty-fifth anniversary party?

I don’t question his and my mother’s love for each other. So why would he have a panic attack at their party?

And inside I know.

It’s what Aunt Melanie told me I need to ask my parents about, and it’s what Aunt Marjorie told me to wait until after the party to bring up.