Page 51 of Arming Alexis

"I'm gonna give you until dinner." He touched my shoulder gently, and I fought the urge to jerk away. I'd just end up hurting myself. But why was he being so nice?

I snorted but didn't reply.

"Alexis, listen to me." He moved to crouch down between my legs. He rested his palms on my knees. "I know you've come to realize what Antonio did was to protect you. I even heard you admit it. So why are you acting like this? Do you think he wants just to kick you to the curb now that he has you back? Because I can tell you right now that's the furthest thing from the truth."

I dropped my hands and shook my head. "Stop being so nice. I know it's not the real you."

Miko barked out a laugh. "It is with you, Princess. But only for you." He reached up and swiped away a stray tear from my cheek before laying his palm against my warm flesh. "I knew when I met you that you were special. I knew you'd be the only one I could show my true self to."

My brow furrowed and his azure eyes held me in place. "Why me?" I asked softly.

"Because you're everything." His thumb swiped over my bottom lip. "The best of all of us. The light to our darkness and our balance. Alexis, you have to see how beautiful you are, inside and out, because you're so stunning it blinds me every time I look at you."

Now that was laughable.

That snort from a while back? It was nothing compared to the one that statement drew out of me.

He raised an eyebrow and gave me a pointed look. "Princess. Antonio hasn't been with a woman since he left you. And I haven't either. Who knows about Cormac? I used to think he was a monk or something."

"Shut up before I punch you," Cormac grumbled.

I turned to see him leaning against the doorway, his expression grim as he looked at Miko.

"While I wasn't a monk, I never went sleeping around. I certainly haven't been with an omega."

"Why are you even telling me this?" These alphas were starting to infuriate me.

"We tell you this because we aren't the type of alphas that fuck around with omegas all the time. You’re special. We desire you above all others and want to be with you, alone." Cormac tilted my face up to meet his warm gaze. "And when I say we only want to be with you, I mean as in forever. As soon as the three of us met, we formed a bond. We always knew we'd share an omega, and when Antonio trusted us enough to tell us about you, we knew you would be her. Forever."

There were no words in my mind. I was rendered completely and speechless. I opened and closed my mouth, willing some words to come forth, but none did.

"You don't have to answer us, Princess." Miko swept my hair away from my neck and gently splayed his hand over my pulse. "Just know that you are our forever. We aren't going anywhere; Antonio would tell you the same thing. Why don't you take a bath, and we'll call you when dinner is ready."

Several minutes later, I sank into the hot water and still didn't have the words to express how I was feeling. Truthfully, I felt like I was in shock. Or maybe I was dreaming. Maybe I hadn't woken up, and neither had Antonio.

But the water that was so hot that it was turning my skin red threw that theory out the window.

Miko surprised me again by getting the bath water ready and carrying me into the bathroom.

"Do you need help getting undressed?" He asked with a feral grin.

I declined his assistance, and he left me after gently kissing the top of my head.

My thoughts continued to whirl as I laid my head back against the edge of the giant tub. Yet, one thought was clear:

They wanted me forever. Not just for now or for a few weeks. But for forever.

Now the trick was to see if the lingering nagging doubts would die.



After we left Alexis' room, I only wanted to take a cold shower. But of course, we had to tell Antonio what was going on. I scrubbed a hand over my face and groaned, wishing the day was over, and I could retreat to my room.

"You okay?" Miko asked, bumping his shoulder into mine.

I contemplated his question. Was I okay?