Page 50 of Arming Alexis

It didn’t matter if I knew what he did was to protect me. Or that he left me a secret note that I never found.

I was still furious.

Miko pressed into my back and brought his lips close to my ears. “Are you okay, Princess?”

I ignored him, watching as Doc talked to Antonio about the healing of his leg. He had to be in the brace for a few weeks and do physical therapy. He’d be on crutches and then a cane when he could tolerate weight on the broken leg.

Remembering the old Antonio, and judging by the look on his face, he wasn’t happy with that information.

“That’s what happens when you break your leg in three different places,” I muttered under my breath as I rolled my eyes, ignoring Miko’s question and presence behind me.

Except they all heard me—damn alpha hearing abilities.

“Why don’t you come closer, Lexi, if you’re just going to eavesdrop,” Antonio smirked and held his hand out for me.

Doc regarded me with a curious expression, and Cormac just smiled.

Fuck. I outed myself.

Miko laughed and nibbled on my earlobe. “They got you, baby girl. Now stop being so shy.” He swatted my ass and gently moved me in their direction.

With an annoyed huff, I crossed the room but stayed several feet away from them.

“Alexis,” Antonio said my name with a growl and wiggled his fingers. “Right here. No more hiding, or next time, I’ll have Miko grab you and carry you to me since I can’t fucking do it myself.”

My jaw clenched, and I stood with my arms crossed over my chest, but I moved to his bedside.

“We’ll talk about this more after Doc leaves.” Antonio’s amber eyes darkened with intent before he turned his attention back to Doc. “Now, go ahead and finish up.”

Doc cleared his throat and coughed to disguise his laugh, and I would have growled if Miko hadn’ttskedin my ear then.

“Physical therapy will be two to three times a week as you progress, depending on your pain levels.” He pushed his glasses higher up his nose. “Make sure you take your meds, Mr. Cavalori. I’m putting Cormac in charge of them.”

“Thanks, Doc,” Antonio grumbled.

Doc nodded his appreciation, gathered his supplies, and exited the room without another backward glance.

The room went silent as Antonio shifted to meet my gaze. "We need to talk about the next steps."

I shook my head. "There are no next steps. Annaleise is dead, which means the threat against me is null and void. I would imagine that she's the one that planted your mole, so no need for me to do that anymore."

Antonio pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fuck, Alexis. Don't you understand?"

"Understandwhat?"I screeched. "Everything is done. It's time for me to go back to my life and you guys to return to yours."

I couldn't let him see the tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't let him see my weakness. I spun on my heel and marched out of the room, not turning around when I heard him bellow my name.

Well, fuck him. He couldn't come after me, I was out of here.

Except, of course, Miko and Cormac would do whatever he commanded. But I still ran. Maybe it made me a coward, but now that he was awake, there was nothing more he needed me for.

I entered my room and slammed the door, grumbling under my breath that there wasn't a lock I could flick to keep them out. Although, who was I kidding, they would have broken down the door to get to me if they wanted to. Knowing the bit I did about Miko, I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate.

I sank into the edge of the bed, several tears falling from the corners of my eyes, completely unbidden. I made a vow to myself that I wouldn't cry, but the stupid tears just kept falling.

"Alexis," Miko's voice softly greeted me after he knocked on the door.

"Can I just have some time to myself, please?" I pressed the heel of my palms into my eyes, unable to even look in his direction.