Page 20 of Brass's Surrender

“No one knew,” Lucifer answers. “For her safety, that’s the way it remained.”

“Momma,” Jesse speaks up getting my full attention, but his eyes are on Brass. “He looks like the guy you tell me about in the stories. Is he the hero?”

Oh my god. Kill me now.

I struggle to ignore the shift in tension rolling off Brass and smile at Jesse. “Yes, little man, this is him. His name is Jesse, but he’s known as Brass now.”

“So, you’re really named Jesse? Cool! I always love hearing the stories my momma tells me about you. She named me Jesse Larkin Corbin. Said I’m named after the two men in her life that saved her from the demons who wanted to take her.”

I swear this kid, smart as he is, rambles on when he’s excited.

Brass moves forward, squats down in front of Jesse, and reaches out a hand. “Nice to meet you. I knew your mom years ago, but I didn’t save her. She did that herself.”

“That’s not what Momma says,” Jesse remarks. “Anyway, I’m hungry, and Papa needs to know what’s going on. Momma was working a job, and she needs to finish it so she can take me to the beach. We always go somewhere fun after she finishes a job, and this time, we’re going to the beach.” My son turns those eyes to me. “I found a place we can rent dune buggies,” he announces, voice filled with excitement.

“Right, let’s get back on task. Striker, get the prospect to bring Jesse something to eat and we’ll get out there and finish up before I get a damn headache,” Twister growls, nostrils flaring in annoyance.

Great. It seems all of this being brought to his clubhouse has seriously pissed him off, meaning I’m definitely not his favorite person right now.

* * *

I run my fingers through Jesse’s hair while he eats and listen to Lucifer fill the others in on what I’ve been doing. It’s one of the things I love about him. I might never call him my dad, but that’s exactly what he is. He’s protective and takes care of everything. But he also makes sure I know what I’m doing. I also know he’s not happy with me right now. Regardless, he won’t say anything in front of others. He’ll talk to me privately. I’m sure they’ll definitely be some yelling involved for my recklessness, but that’s just him.

To me, he’s Larkin, my savior. The man who raised me. To the world, he’s Lucifer, a man you don’t fuck with, that is, unless you want to be skinned alive.

I glance around, eyeing Brass. He’s yet to speak to me again, but he hasn’t taken his eyes off me.

“Momma,” Jesse calls my name, and I return my attention to him.

“Yeah, kiddo?”

“Are you happy to finally meet your family?”

Damn. This is what I get for telling Jesse stories. But I wanted him to know his family even if it was in made up stories. Well, not completely. I did my research, and I knew how Horse met his ol’ lady, Kenny, and I knew Stoney flipped his shit when he thought Rachel would leave him. Those men are seriously over-possessive when it comes to their women. But it’s also cool that they would do anything for the women that hold their hearts.

If I could have something of my own, I’d want it to be a love like theirs.

Sighing, I smile and nod. “Yeah, kiddo, I am. But it shouldn’t have happened. I screwed up.”

“You didn’t screw up. It’s just the way it was supposed to happen,” he says with a shrug. “Auntie Ela, she said so.”


So, that’s one of the places Jesse visited. He and Larkin went to Louisiana to see Fury and Ela. Ela’s a unique woman and wise. She knows things and gives advice when needed. Her daughter, Raven, is the one married to Blaze.

“What else did she say?”

“That you should open your heart. That you can love more than just me.”

A breath catches in my throat as I stare at my son. He’s the only one that’s ever held my heart without being kept at arm’s length. Sure, I love Lucifer and Reap, but for the longest time, I didn’t trust either of them not to hurt me. It’s been nearly nine years now and I know they’d do anything for me. Reap is my brother in every way but blood. Just as Lucifer is the dad I never had growing up.

I swallow and lean in, pressing a kiss on Jesse’s forehead. “Eat up, kiddo. I think Papa Larkin and you still have things to do when he’s done.”

“Papa and me are staying. He said so.”


“Okay, then let me go see what’s going on. I still have to work, and I want you sticking close to Papa and Uncle Reap at all times,” I tell him and stand.