Page 19 of Brass's Surrender

“How about we get to the matter at hand here?” Horse speaks up, voice gruff and eyes filled with anger. “Why did you help the club and send that message?”

“I didn’t help the club.” I shrug. “I simply sent the message so you weren’t running around trying to figure out what the hell happened.”

“Bullshit,” Gadget grunts, getting my attention. “I looked into what all was on going during the time with the High 7’s and Trevor. You know he’s been looking for you, right? Seems he favored you as his girl and wants you back.”

I roll my eyes and lean forward. “No, what he wants is a blonde bimbo who he thought he could control.”

“What were you doing with the High 7’s?” Brass asks.

“That’s none of your business,” I snap, rattle the cuff, and right there in front of him, eyes watching, I lift my shirt, unscrew the belly ring and pull it out. I stick one side of it into the key hole and work my magic uncuffing myself from Brass.

“Fuck me. I ain’t ever seen that before,” Striker mutters, but I ignore him as I shove away from Brass.

I’m surprised he allows it. But that doesn’t mean he lets me get far from him.

“Tell us what the fuck is going on, Thea,” he demands.” What were you doing with the High 7’s, and why the fuck did someone try to kidnap you last night?”

Damn it all to hell. Was it really just last night? Everything seems to be swirling around me, closing in, and I’m struggling to hold on to the control I pride myself for having.

“I told you it’s none of your business. Just back the fuck up and let me go so I can get back to doing what I’m doing.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Brass snarls.

“Not happenin’.” This came from Horse.

“Not until we have answers first,” Twister remarks coldly.

“You aren’t about to go anywhere,” Stoney adds gravely.

Straightening, I prepare to bolt. To get away. I don’t care if I have to fight them to do it. This isn’t their fight or their job. They finally have peace, and they don’t need this shit.

A knock at the door interrupts the tension slightly, and I instantly dread whoever is on the other side. Mainly because I have a feeling I know who it is.

“Come in,” Twister yells, and the door opens to show Lucifer himself standing there with Reap on one side of him and Jesse on the other.

Jesse’s eyes find me and he smiles. “Momma,” he shouts. He lets go of Lucifer’s hand and rushes the short distance to me.

I ignore the shock from those around me and hold out my arms to embrace my son. The one part of my past that I hold onto with dear life.


I hear the words roll off Brass’s lips in question.

Jesse tilts his head back and smiles up at me. “Papa said we had to come help you. Isn’t that awesome? I get to be with you while you’re working.”

“He did, did he?” I smile at Jesse and look toward Lark to see him in full-on Lucifer mode. “You want to explain?”

“How about you explain to me why you hadn’t already filled me in?” He throws his own question out and then looks around the room. “Reap filled me in.”

“Filled you in on what?” Stoney demands, checking his anger, eyes moving, seeming to assess everything around him.

“How about we move this party to the other room? Jesse here hasn’t eaten yet. He was excited to get to his mom. Kick everyone else out that doesn’t need to be here.” Lucifer looks to Blaze and Ranger, then to Tracker. “Are the girls with you?”

“Fuck no,” Tracker remarks. “No way in hell was I dragging them into whatever mess we’re dealing with here.”

“Good thinking.” Lucifer smirks. “But, so you know, I give them roughly two hours before they walk in the door, and that’s a wide-range estimation because I trained those girls. I know their instincts. Just as I know my daughter’s,” he says, looking at me. “They’ll be here and demand to know what’s going on.”

“Did they know about Karma?” Blaze asks.