Page 11 of Brass's Surrender

I shrug because there’s no way I’m going to answer that. Though I didn’t want to be kidnapped since it wasn’t my ideal way of getting to those I’m working to take down, it would have been a way in. I have a feeling I know who was behind it. He’d been very clear about it during the lap dance I’d given him earlier in the night.

“Jesus,” Brass mutters, “You insane? I can see your mind working even now. You wanted them to take you?”

“No,” I clip out.

“Best not to argue with her,” Reap grumbles, swiping the back of his hand along his busted lip. “She’s a pro at arguing. And when she gets something in her head, she’s going to do it.”

“What I want to know is where Athena fits into all this?” Horse pipes in.

Reap grins and looks at me to meet each of the men’s gazes before coming back to me. “This here is Karma.”

“Karma?” Gadget repeats sounding near disbelieving. “As in the one who reaps karma on those who deserve it? The one who gives more than they do to others? That Karma?”

Grinning, Reap nods., “The one and the same. Fuck with Karma, and you get fucked right back.”

“Fuckin’ hell. And here I thought Ally was going to be the only one to fuck people up,” Burner mutters, meeting my gaze. “You’ve left some scary ass trails in your wake.”

“What do you know about my trails?” I huff.

“Plenty,” Burner grunts and looks to the others.

“Let’s move this party to the main room,” Twister commands and levels a look of authority on me. “And don’t think to try and get away without an explanation. There’s more to this shit, and I’m not about to deal with more than I have to.”

Well fuck.

Guess it’s time to let the cat out of the bag.



Rage pours through my veins and I want nothing more than to go back to pounding on Reap. The bastard had the nerve to say what he did, and he deserves his ass beat for that alone. Never did I hurt Athena. I tried to protect her the best I could.

At the age of eighteen I’d been kicked out of the last foster home. Thea and I had the same social worker and I’d gone to her to help get Athena out of there. It was bad, but while I was around she’d been safe. Without me there to protect her, she was left vulnerable. I’d given our social worker everything she needed to handle our foster parents, but she’d been too late. Athena was missing and there was no sign of her anywhere. She’d been classified as a runaway and never seen again.

I’d tried to look for her, but life I suppose, got in the way, and I’d moved on. Doesn’t mean I ever forgot about her.

For fuck’s sake.

This is total bullshit.

Watching her like a hawk, I don’t take my eyes off her for a second as she paces the main room of the clubhouse. She looks like a lioness ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. Maybe a caged tiger would be a better fit.

“Right, so someone start talking,” Twister demands bringing me out of my thoughts.

“There’s nothing to say,” Athena remarks with a small shrug.

“You’re fuckin’ kidding me, right?” Horse snorts, shaking his head. “Reap here just told us you’re fuckin’ Karma and you supposedly helped the club. I want to know why.”


Fuck me. I can’t believe Athena . . . the sweet, shy girl I once knew is Karma. A woman who kills a person the way they killed others, but worse, making them suffer ten times as long as their victim did. And more than that she does it without mercy of any kind. From what I’ve heard, she’s without a heart. Total stone cold when it comes to killing and she does it without blinking. If I’m not mistaken, she also does it when you least expect it.

So, what is she doing here? Why did she help the club?

I need answers, and I want them from her.

“All you need to know is that I did it out of the kindness of my heart,” Athena states sarcastically.