Page 12 of Brass's Surrender

“Bullshit,” Twister grumbles, looking to Reap and then to Athena. “It’s late, and my woman is in my bed without me right now when we don’t have the kids. I should be in there, fuckin’ the shit out of her. But instead, I’m out here so start fuckin’ talking.”

Guess Prez is pissed more than I thought he was at first. Then again, if I were cockblocked I’d be in the same boat as him. If I’m not mistaken, his kids were at Rage’s house along with Horse’s kids. Bear was in town, and he enjoys keeping them all when he can.

“I’m not keeping you from going about screwing your ol’ lady,” Athena scoffs, rolling her eyes. “By all means, go, be on your merry way, and do the horizontal dance with your woman. I’ll just be on my way . . .”

“You’re not going anywhere,” I snarl, interrupting her. “You’re gonna sit your pert ass down and start fuckin’ talking. Otherwise, I swear to God, woman, I will put you over my knee, right here in front of every last one of my brothers.”

Athena whirls that fiery glare of hers my way. “I’d like to see you try.”

“Karm, stand down,” Reap states in a firm tone and looks at his sister. “It’s time and you know it.” He switches his gaze to Horse for the briefest moment, and it confuses the shit out of me. What does he mean it’s time?

Athena shakes her head and lets out a heavy breath. “No, and keep your mouth shut.”

“You either do it, or I call Lucifer,” Reap threatens.

“Don’t you dare think about calling him. I’ll make sure you regret it.”

Reap smirks and cocks his head slightly. “I look forward to seeing what you try, sweet, sweet Karma.” He chuckles and looks at Horse. “Athena here is Croc’s biological daughter, making her Stoney’s cousin,” he announces, blowing everyone’s minds.

“Come again?” Horse furrows his brow and looks ready to blow.

“I won’t repeat myself. The rest is for Athena here to tell when she’s ready.”

“I’m going to kill you,” Athena snaps, baring her teeth at Reap.

“No, you won’t,” Reap says, looking annoyed.

Over the bullshit, I finally speak up. “Athena, fuckin’ start talking. You’re not gettin’ out of this and you damn well know it. Now, what the fuck does Reap mean about you being Croc’s biological daughter? I thought you didn’t know who your father was.” If she’s known this whole time, why didn’t she try and go to live with family? Why stay in the foster system? I know even if Croc didn’t want her or even after he died, Stoney would have taken her in. She would have been family.

Staring at her now, other than that sexy as fuck red hair of hers, I can see a resemblance between Horse and her. It’s not much but only because I now know what to look for.

Athena glances back at me. “I’ve told you it’s none of your business.”

“Ifwe’re family, it makes this not just my business, but club business as well,” Horse growls, stepping toward her.

“You know what? Fuck this shit,” Twister snarls, raking his hand through his hair. “Brass, you get her to talk. She’s not to leave your sight for a minute. Cuff her to the bed for all I care. We’ll deal with this tomorrow. Or later today, I should say.”

“I’ll get her to talk, Prez,” I grumble, nodding but keeping my focus on Athena.

“I’m not about to leave this room until I know what the fuck Reap meant about her being Stoney’s cousin. For fuck’s sake, she’s younger than me,” Horse sneers.

“And isn’t that the twisted part of it all,” Athena snarks and looks at my VP. “Clubwhores don’t care what age a man is. Not when they’re trying to trap him.”

“Amen to that,” Izzy shouts, getting everyone’s attention, and making herself known.

“What the hell are you doing out here, woman?” Twister demands gruffly.

“I came to get my man.” Izzy rolls her eyes and moves to him while looking at Athena. She then looks to Horse. “Listen to Twister, Brass will get her to talk. If he doesn’t, then Kenny and I will talk with her. I know your wife would love to get to know a new family member.”

Horse curls his lip, and I can only think what he’s got in his head about that idea right now. Kenny is one hell of a woman in her own right. She’s all country and knows how to handle herself in any situation. But that doesn’t mean she can’t be left vulnerable.

“No offense to you or Kenny, but I’m not here to meet the wives and whatnot,” Athena states sarcastically. “I’m trying to get home, but you can thank your man and his brothers for being a pain in the ass about it.”

“None taken.” Izzy laughs, taking Athena in stride. “And I know what you mean about them being a pain in the ass. So, how about we all just go to our own corners?” She points to Athena. “You can go to Brass’s room with him. Later, when everyone has had a chance to rest, reconvene, maybe everyone will want to play nice.”

Dropping her finger, Izzy turns to Twister. “Come on, time for you to worry about other things.”

I can hear my brothers all chuckle, and I can’t help but grin. Izzy’s definitely one to always speak her mind, no matter who’s around. She doesn’t give a damn. This makes it all the more hilarious because none of us know what she’ll say or when.